Collaborating with Outlook 2002 and Exchange 2000
Creating Public Folders To create Public Folders 1.Open Outlook. 2.If the list of folders is not visible, on the View menu, click Folder List. 3.Expand Public Folders in the list by clicking the plus sign, and then click All Public Folders. 4.From the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder. When the Create New Folder box appears, type Arctic Explorer in the Name box and select Mail and Post Items from the Folder contains drop-down menu. Click OK.
Creating Sub-Folders in a Public Folder To create sub-folders in a public folder 1.From the expanded Public Folders list, click the Arctic Explorer folder. 2.From the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder. When the Create New Folder box appears, type AE Group Contacts in the Name box and select Contact Items from the Folder contains drop-down menu. Click OK. 3.Create a Group Calendar, a Group Tasks, and a View Project Results folder within the Arctic Explorer folder. Enter an appropriate description in the Folder contains drop-down menu to specify the type of information that each folder will contain. Creating Sub-Folders in a Public Folder
Setting Permissions for a Public Folder To set permissions for a public folder 1.From the expanded Arctic Explorer folder, right-click the View Project Results folder that you created earlier, and then click Properties. 2.When the View Project Results Properties box appears, click the Permissions tab. 3.Add user names to or remove them from the Name field of the Properties box for the folder. Click an individual user name or click the first user name in the list. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the list, hold down the Shift key, and click the last name in the list to select all user names. 4.In the Permission Level drop-down menu, select Reviewer. In the Edit items and Delete items fields, select None. The folder is now read-only for the selected users. Setting Permissions for a Public Folder
Posting Documents in Public Folders To post documents in Public Folders 1.Open a new document in Microsoft Word. Type Project Arctic Explorer, and then center this text on the page. From the File menu, click Save As, and then save and name the file. 2.In the File menu, click Send To, and then click Exchange Folder. 3.Click the plus sign next to the folder to expand Public Folders, and then expand All Public Folders. You can now see the Arctic Explorer folder. 4.Expand the Arctic Explorer folder, and then click the Post New Items Here folder. Click OK to send the document to the folder and close the Send to Exchange Folder dialog box. Posting Documents in Public Folders
Creating a Public Folder Contact List To create a public folder contact list 1.Expand Public Folders, expand All Public Folders, and then expand the Arctic Explorer folder. Click the Group Contacts folder that you created earlier. 2.On the File menu, point to New, and then click Contact. 3.Type a name for the new contact. 4.Enter the information that you want to include for the contact. 5.Click Save and Close. Creating a Public Folder Contact List
Creating a Group Schedule To create a group schedule 1.Expand Public Folders, expand All Public Folders, expand the Arctic Explorer folder, and then expand the Group Calendar folder. 2.Click Schedules in the toolbar. 3.Click New and type Whale Tails as the name field of the Create New Group Schedule dialog box. Click OK. 4.Click Add Others to add members to the group schedule. Contacts can be added from your Outlook Address Book or typed into the Group Members field. 5.Click Save and Close. You can create multiple group schedules in your public calendar folder to efficiently manage sub-groups of project team members.
Viewing, Deleting, or Editing a Group Schedule To view, delete, or edit a group schedule 1.Expand Public Folders, expand All Public Folders, expand the Arctic Explorer folder, and then expand the Group Calendar folder. 2.On the toolbar, click Schedules. 3.Select the group schedule that you want to edit or delete. Click Open to view or edit the schedule. If you edit the schedule, click Save and Close. Click Delete to remove the schedule. Viewing, Deleting, or Editing a Group Schedule
Sending a Meeting Request or Message From a Group Schedule To send a meeting request or message from a group schedule 1.Expand Public Folders, expand All Public Folders, expand the Arctic Explorer folder, and then expand the Group Calendar folder. 2.Click Schedules. 3.Select the group schedule that you want, and then click Open. 4.Click Make Meeting. Click New Meeting. Type and send meeting information from the Meeting dialog box. Click New Mail Message. Type and send the message from the Message dialog box. Sending a Meeting Request or Message from a Group Schedule
Proposing a New Meeting Time To Propose a New Meeting Time 1.Open the meeting request. 2.Click Propose New Time. 3.Click a time at which all invitees are available. You can use AutoPick Next to find the next available free time for all invitees. The calendar automatically advances to the next available time block that is free for all attendees. 4.Click Propose Time. Add a message or copy another contact to the New Time Proposed dialog box. 5.Click Send. Proposing a New Meeting Time
Changing the Time Default Message for Proposing a New Meeting Time To Change the Time Default Message for Proposing a New Meeting Time 1.On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Calendar Options. 2.In the Use this response when you propose new meeting times list, click the setting you want. 3.Click OK. Changing the Time Default Message for Proposing a New Meeting Time
Coloring Appointments and Meetings in Your Calendar To Color Appointments and Meetings in Your Calendar 1.Expand Public Folders, expand All Public Folders, expand the Arctic Explorer folder, and then expand the Group Calendar folder. 2.Open an appointment or meeting. If this is a recurring appointment, click Open the series when prompted. 3.In the Label list, click a color. To remove a color from the appointment or meeting, in the Label list, click None. 4.Click Save and Close. Coloring Appointments and Meetings in Your Calendar
Adding Contacts To Add a Contact 1.On the Windows taskbar, double-click the MSN Messenger Service icon to open the message window. 2.Click Add. 3.Click By address or sign-in name. 4.Enter the contact’s address, and then click Next. 5.Click Finish. The new contact’s name and status appear in the InfoBar. Adding Contacts
Changing Your Online Status To Change Your Online Status 1.On the Windows taskbar, double-click the MSN Messenger Service icon. 2.On the File menu, click My Status, and then click the status you want. Changing Your Online Status
Sending an Instant Message To Send an Instant Message 1.On the Windows taskbar, double-click the MSN Messenger Service icon. 2.On the Tools menu, point to Send an Instant Message, and then select Other. 3.Type the contact’s address in the text box. In the Service list, select MSN Messenger Service, and then click OK. 4.Type your message in the lower field of the instant message window, and then click Send. Your message and the response from the contact will scroll down the upper field of the message window. To invite another contact to join your conversation, click Invite, point to To Join This Conversation, and then click Other. Sending an Instant Message