Education, Actions and Key Policies for a Sustainable Future and a Green Economy Debra Rowe, Ph.D. President U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development Professor Sustainable Energies and Behavioral Sciences Oakland Community College Detroit Green Skills Alliance
To discuss today: What is sustainable development and education for sustainable development? What are the key actions for a sustainable future and a green economy? Key resources and support structures for you Discussion
What Oakland Community College has done 32 years of for credit courses in renewable energies, energy efficiency, then sustainability ~ 16 years of the components of sustianability as required gen ed outcomes for all students – Sustainability Committee – getting sustainability into mission and planning, policies (e.g. purchasing, no sweatshops in bookstore) Professional development for integrating sustainability into courses Facilities – spotty but some key accomplishments Partnerships to build sustainable region – outreach to businesses/high schools/economic developers/nonprofits
Sustainable Development is… “ meeting the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their needs ” ~ “ Our Common Future, ” Brundtland Report, 1987
What are we trying to create? Education, Economics and Policy as if People Mattered What businesses call the triple bottom line of sustainability – be able to give the Republican version
Stronger Economy Social Well-being Healthy Ecosystems Sustainable Society Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability
Education for a Sustainable Society: “enables people to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions …, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.”
Applied Knowledge/ Technological Skills Private Choices and Behaviors-Habits Public Choices and Behaviors-Laws Sustainable Communities Sustainable Economies Ecosystem
Green jobs: the obvious choices Traditionally, community college, career and technical education, and even the National Science Foundation focus on technicians: Energy auditor Wind energy technician Insulation and weatherization technician Photovoltaics (solar electricity) installer Thermal solar installer (hot water and space heating and pool heating)
Upstream green jobs: the other jobs needed so technicians get employed Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Products Financiers and Manufacturers and Distributors and Salespeople Energy Policy Analyst and Legislators Employee in state and local energy related offices HVAC and other types of contractors with energy efficiency and renewables expertise/product line Energy Service Company (ESCO) Corporate Social Responsibility Officer Sustainability Oriented Purchasing Agent and Business VP Energy Manager Facilities Director
Partial list of green jobs: the less obvious choices? Resource Conservation/Efficiency Manager Measurement and Verification Technician Manufacturing – Product Design/Developer, Production Designer, Material Scientist, Production worker Environmental Engineering Technician Biomass Plant Designer, Manager, Technician… Utility Plant Operatives HVAC/ Building Automation Technician Controls Specialist Refuse & Recycling Worker Sustainable Agriculture: farmer, distributor, marketer… Groundwater heat pump contractor/installer Wave power system designer/installer Forestry & Wildlife Manager
Partial list of green jobs: the less obvious choices?? Hydrogen, batteries, compressed air, and other energy storage specialists Water Reservoir and watershed engineer Green Building Design Specialists: Materials Designer, Distributor, Installer … Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Scientist and Engineer, …. Electrical Technician Energy Statistician Recycling Director Environmental Maintenance Worker Greenhouse Gas Analyst/Broker…
Partial list of green jobs: the less obvious choices??? Industrial Engineer Engineering Manager Green products distribution designer/manager Sales & Marketing Staff for Sustainable Products Brownfields Real Estate Developer Sustainable Business Process Designer Corporate Recycling Manager Environmental Economist Sustainability Entrepreneur Environment, Health and Safety Director Environmental Quality Certification Specialist Geographic Information Systems Specialist
Partial list of green jobs: the less obvious choices???? Hazardous Materials Handler Sustainable Operation Manager/consultant Socially Responsible Investment Advisor Sustainability Officer Trainer/Educator for Green Jobs Sustainability Communications Fostering Sustainable Neighborhoods Community Organizer Environmental Journalist Permaculture Designer and Contractor Sustainable Landscape Architect Natural Resources Manager Sustainable Communities Planner
Partial list of green jobs: the less obvious choices????? Sustainable Development Policy Analyst Groundwater professional Restoration Ecologist Climate Change Risk Assessor and Mitigation Expert Sustainable Transportation Planner Water Pollution Control Technician Watershed Manager Wildlife Biologist Agricultural Extension Specialist Environmental Communications Specialist Environmental Conflict Manager Power Purchase Negotiator
What is a green job? A limited view below The Department of Labor recently tagged over 100 occupations in the O*NET database as being green occupations. Browse by the 12 identified green economy sectors: Agriculture and Forestry; Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage; Energy Efficiency; Energy Storage; Environment Protection; Government and Regulatory Administration; Green Construction; Manufacturing; Recycling and Waste Reduction; Renewable Energy Generation; Research, Design and Consulting Services; Transportation.
The Pervasiveness of Green SOC listings are incomplete Every job will have a green component to it, since we all make green related decisions in all of our jobs. Doing nothing supports energy waste, toxins, food chain disruption and ecosystem destruction. Costly in dollars and in human suffering of billions - unacceptable.
For higher education, sustainability and green is being integrated into: Curricula Research Operations Community Outreach and Partnerships Student Life Professional Development Mission and Planning Purchasing public awareness legislation Thanks to Wynn Calder for this diagram
Key Next Steps Yes, you do need to step outside of same old behavior and help others do the same. Remember, change is uncomfortable, even positive change (Professor Zajonc) Your efforts can be synergistic 1. Education 2. Policy 3. Green Economic Development
Key Next Steps - Education 1. Education – you are on your way (into all degrees/gen ed), remember to add sustainability into: a) continuing ed, b) student life, c) real world problem solving in courses d) community events to shift on campus and in community knowledge and attitudes to support sustainable policies and living
Key Next Steps - Education Multipronged approach to make green cool, responsible and essential - Empower students, e.g. MTV, Transition town story, Nike – tell the stories Ways to get faculty involved –identify the powerful influencers invite them personally (we need your brain)
Imagine a country where all college students get credit for helping to solve our societal problems through their academic assignments. Aids with retention and economic development
Next Steps - Education Building healthier self-concepts. We can change society for the better. Learn, teach and practice change agent skills.
Key Next Steps - Policies 1.Put it on the agenda of each sustainability meeting. Have the working committee consist of reps from each of the target groups to engage in policy: a)President/governmental relations b)Faculty c)Students d)Public 2.Join the AACC policy community for updated policy briefs, action possibilities and strategy help
Key green policies First Tier – Green Economy/Jobs specific PACE Renewable Portfolio Standard Benchmarking and labeling Utility Regulation – getting involved in state regulation Second Tier – Higher Education Specific How energy costs and buildings are funded in higher ed University Sustainability Partnership
Key Next Steps – Green Economic Development 1.Reach out to employers and potential employers – go to where they are – share examples of what they can do 2.Build market demand - Create many community events (e.g. Energy Fairs, Positive Future Fairs) where you can have employers as presenters – lending the college’s credibility and access to free media to the value of products/services/activities that are green 3.Provide networking and education opportunities for existing and potential employers
Key Next Steps – Green Economic Development 4.Teach entrepreneurship and assertiveness skills to students 5.Learn about and then share the working business models with them and employers 6.Can be guide on the side, not always sage on the stage 7.Benefits: greener economy, better employer relations, more internships/job placements, more sustainable future for all!
Modeling for Students and the Public – a few more ideas Individuals, faculty and staff and students, at the college living more sustainably and telling their stories too via a college website Through curricular and co-curricular events, create a theme of the campus and community as a living lab for a sustainable future Convene community stakeholders to create sustainable communities and do the 4 Ps of futuring: Possibilities, Probabilities, Preferabilities, Preparations
The lab and the campus can also be a community demonstration center for sustainability
Key Places to Institutionalize Green/Sustainability: Use a college wide Sustainability Committee Mission Mission Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Budget Budget Orientation Orientation Campus Map and Signage Campus Map and Signage Building Policies Building Policies Operations and Purchasing Policies Operations and Purchasing Policies Student Life Student Life Infused throughout curricula Infused throughout curricula First Year Experience First Year Experience Gen Ed Core Gen Ed Core Curricula Review Curricula Review Community Partnerships Community Partnerships Workforce Development Workforce Development Continuing Ed and Community Events Continuing Ed and Community Events Civic Engagement Civic Engagement
U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Vision: Sustainable development integrated into education, learning and actions in the United States Non ‐ partisan, multi ‐ sector partnership of over 360 registered organizations The Partnership works with the following societal Sectors: – Communities – Business – Faith Based Organizations – Higher Education – K-12 and Teacher Education – Youth U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Convene mainstream leaders of national organizations Catalyze their national initiatives in sustainability Support their collaborative partnerships Share their resources all over the country/world Created/supported national sustainability initiatives and resources in all societal sectors. What we do: U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
From USP, Solutions/Resources for You! – check these out- key slide Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium – click on resources for facilities (APPA), business officers (NACUBO), learning outcomes, change agent skills and campus events (ACPA) Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability – for curricular resources for dozens of academic disciplines, textbooks project – send out to your engaged faculty professional development for faculty and staff – me for more K-12 National Associations Network for Sustainability and Sustainability Ed. Standards for K-12 – also U.S. Dept of ED – NASDCTEC – green and sustainability standards for career Sustainability Education and Economic Development with AACC –
Resources for you Sustainable Education Handbook andSustainable Education Handbook Renewable Energy Success Stories in Michigan workbook, both at Energy Success Stories Concept maps that link to standards and learning activities Funding career pathways toolkit for out of school youth - Center for Post Secondary and Economic Success released a Toolkit for States to Identify and Pursue Federal Funding Opportunities for Creating Career Pathways and Career Pathway Bridges Energy Education and Workforce Development educational resources from DOE
More resources (not a complete list) and click on community Socially responsible investing and consumption and Sierra Club coal campaign, Energy Action/powershift Math problems people – me Support for you: Green Schools listserv SISBRO – informal so call me 10 pm eastern first Forums at AASHE SEED monthly calls via Jay and Community of Action via me
“Sustainability Education and Economic Development” online resource center open to all In addition to curricular materials: employment projections, skills/competencies/industry standards Innovative partnership models to grow the local green economy and place students in jobs Policy toolkit and Funding resources BUT we can’t get to the job growth with the present energy policy structure
What could we create in collaboration with you? Fix the marketplace that is now skewed toward polluting fossil fuels Create better employment pathways Create pathways out of poverty and pathways out of unemployment/underemployment Create pathways to expanding businesses and improving profits
A moment of gratitude THANK YOU for all your efforts to create an energy efficient, more just and less toxic future with economics as if people and communities matter. We appreciate your dedication, your passion and your persistence! YOU and YOUR FELLOW COLLEAGUES HAVE A UNIQUE AND IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY!!! WE CAN’T CREATE THE SUSTAINABLE GREEN ECONOMY WITHOUT YOU!!
Key Next Steps 1. Make policy and green economic development ongoing agenda items of your sustainability committee on campus. Create point people/working subgroups for each. (Strategies – Be a responder, Need your brain) 2. Give me your card to join the AACC policy network – get updates on policy briefings, green economy opportunities and more!! – call Thursday, March 29th, at 1 pm eastern 3. Check out the Community resources at and the Innovative Partnerships sections at
The Power of What We Do We can choose a just and sustainable future
Congratulations for all you have done!! Congratulations for all you will do in the future. Let your enthusiasm show! For more information, contact me, Debra Rowe, at