ECE 477 F INAL P RESENTATION T EAM 10 S PRING 2013 Ruiyang Lin Vipul Bhat Julia Liston Krithika Iyer
O UTLINE Project overview Block diagram Design challenges Individual contributions Project demonstration Questions / discussion
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Our team’s goal was to build a prototype of a robot that can: Use GPS to locate a lost person Autonomously navigate towards the person while avoiding obstacles Made up of two parts: Rescue-point transceiver, which communicates GPS coordinates via RF ARV (Autonomous Rescue Vehicle), which navigates towards the transceiver
B LOCK D IAGRAM Microcontroller (PIC32) RF Receiver Module (Xbee Pro) Module GPS Module Ultra-Sonic Range Finder Motor Drive Battery Monitor Module Analog UART (8 bit) IR Receiver Power Supply Module PWR ON/OFF 7.2 V 3.3V PWR level (Analog) Autonomous Rescue Vehicle (ARV)
B LOCK D IAGRAM ( CONTINUED ) +3.3 V Power Supply Module Microcontroller RF Transmitter Module (Xbee Pro) GPS Module UART (9 bit) Rescue-Point Transceiver
D ESIGN C HALLENGES Hardware issues – Motors draw a lot of current No Compass - had to make calculations based on distance traveled Quality of GPS module - had to accommodate for GPS error Testing – GPS took a long time to find satellite, weather condition critical.
I NDIVIDUAL C ONTRIBUTIONS Team Leader – Ruiyang Lin Team Member 2 – Krithika Iyer Team Member 3 – Julia Liston Team Member 4 – Vipul Bhat
T EAM L EADER – R UIYANG L IN o Main Responsibilities: Motor drive, power supply o Initial motor drive and power supply design o Battery monitor module design o PCB layout o Hardware: o Motor drive, power supply, battery monitor module o Helped with testing RF module and GPS module o Software: o Initial programming (ADC, PWM, Timer) o Obstacle detection & Navigation algorithm
M EMBER 2 – K RITHIKA I YER o Main Responsibilities: RF and GPS o RF module hardware interfacing in the Rescue- Point Transceiver and ARV o RF transmitter and receiver software development o GPS module hardware interfacing o GPS data extracting and processing for navigation o Debug circuit design o Software for Infrared Sensors o Helped Julia in the Navigation algorithm
M EMBER 3 – J ULIA L ISTON o Main Responsibility: Navigation Algorithm o Initial design o Integration with GPS module o Obstacle Detection Algorithm o Software organization and modularization o Housing for the transceiver and mounting for the ultrasonic sensors o General team support: website, soldering, hardware testing
M EMBER 4 – V IPUL B HAT o Main Responsibility: Obstacle Detection Algorithm o Supporting role in Navigation Algorithm o Supporting role in motor drive and power supply implementation o Assisted with GPS testing o Emergency team rescue
P ROJECT D EMONSTRATION 1. An ability to move and steer using appropriate motors and drive systems 2. An ability to transmit GPS coordinates from the rescue- point transceiver to the robot via an RF module 3. An ability to receive and process GPS coordinates on the robot and move toward the given coordinates 4. An ability to detect obstacles and navigate around them using ultrasonic sensors. 5. An ability to monitor the battery level of the robot uments/ARV_video.m4v