Complaint Management System
Process Description Complaints are received from customer via telephone/mail by Call centre agents. Call centre agents log the Complaint as per the site and complaint inputs shared by customer, generates a ticket number and share it with customer. Call centre agent troubleshoots the complaint and try to resolve it over phone. If Complaint gets resolved over phone, he/she updates the Complaint status to “resolved over phone” else let the Complaint be in “Not Allocated” status. Complaint distributor allocate the Complaints in “Not Allocated” status to field technician via system generated SMS. Field Technician on receiving the SMS visits the site along with the required inventory and updates Complaint distributor about the inventory used, response time and the closing time of the Complaint. Also, Field Technician updates the Complaint distributor in case the Complaint can not be closed for some reason. Complaint distributor then updates the status of the Complaint either to “Open” (in case if Complaint is not resolved) or “FSR updated” (in case the Complaint gets resolved).
CMS Process Flow Call centre agent 1 Call centre agent 2 Call centre agent 3 Customer Complaints in and share site and complaint details. Call centre agent logs a Complaint, generates a ticket number and troubleshoots to resolve the respective Complaint. Technician visits the site for resolution and updates the Call centre agent with the Complaint status, response time, closing time and inventory used. INDUS Bharti Infratel Limited Allocates a Complaint to technician and system sends SMS to respective technician.
Complaint Management System cdl004 ****** Login Enter Login Credentials
CMS – Home page View all complaints of your respective circle based on different filter as required
Log a new Complaint Create a new Complaint manually
Search site details as per customer’s information Search site details by site Id, site name or Customer Site Id
Select respective site Select respective site to log a complaint
Fetch Site Details by selecting the correct record Auto fill site details Old complaint details for respective site with status
Save a Complaint Fill mandatory fields and save complaint
Share Complaint number with the customer Note down Complaint no. to share with customer
Log Complaint Details
Different Complaints Actions Different actions against a complaint
Allocate a Complaint to Field Technician (if automatically not allocated) Allocate Complaint to respective Engineer by selecting engineer From engineers details and sms will be Send to engineer mobile no
Reallocate a Complaint to another Technician Reallocate a Complaint to another engineer by selecting engineer from engineers details
Complaint Close Resolve on Phone Save remarks against a complaint Which is resolved through phone
Engineer visit the site and set Complaint status open due to some reason. Select reason for open Complaints and save the reason if Complaints not closed.
View Site complaint History View all the complaint details as well as basic details against a site
Set Reason for pending complaint Complaint Center member follow up with the engineer and save the reason of not closed Complaints.
Cancel a wrong Complaint Cancel a wrong complaint
Close a Complaint Without spare Close a Complaint without adding any spare on site
Close a Complaint with spare by selecting particular spare in engineer stock
Complaint log details between a particular time period based on different filter Log complaint details between a particular time period with custom field selected.
Log Complaints in Bulk Log complaints in bulk by uploading excel Whose template is already attached.
Assign an Engineer all Complaints to another Engineer Assign all Complaints of an engineer to another engineer in bulk
Productivity Report of Engineer’s for a particular circle and time period Circle & Engineer’s productivity reports
Upload FSR against a particular Complaint received from customer Upload scan copy of FSR received From customer against a complaint And set FSR sign by and sign date
Open Complaints Pie Chart with different Factor:
Open Complaints Reason Pie Chart representation:
Average closure days report with aging:
Pending Complaints details based on pending days
Upload Site vs engineer mapping for auto allocation First download the template Fill all details in template And upload template
Engineer Wise Daily Open/Close Complaint Report with attendance:
Circle Wise Preventive Maintenance MTD report:
Circle Wise Breakdown Open Complaints Aging Report:
Circle Wise Open Complaints Weekly Trend:
Circle Head Wise >5 Days Open Complaints Trend:
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