CHAPEL Flipping through the Bible
SWORD DRILL! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
FIND “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1
Judah 8 Good 12 Bad ISRAEL ACCUSED Israel 0 Good 19 Bad
King of Assyria Exile for 70 years GOD’S DECISION
Weigh the evidence Hear the Witness Make a Verdict OUR TASK
21 JEREMIAH Israel on Trial
Who sent you to speak to Israel? BEGINNING QUESTIONS Was God happy or mad? Why was God mad?
Did you warn the people what God would do if they did not follow him? WARNINGS What was the warning? Did the people listen?
Did God give the people hope of a better life? BETTER LIFE Did God warn them of false prophets? Did the people listen?
How long were you warning the people? TIME FRAME Would God have forgiven the people if they had repented even after the first group was taken into exile? Did the people listen?
How long were the people to be in captivity? THE PEOPLE How did the people respond when you told them their city would be taken over? Did the people listen?
What is God’s plan for the people after the 70 years? AFTER THE 70 YEARS What are God’s plans for his people?
God sent many prophets to guide the people out of sin. REVIEWING THE EVIDENCE The people sinned for 250 years. God warned the people of the consequences of sin. God gave them hope of a better life. God gave them a timeframe to be brought back home. The people did not listen.
THE VERDICT Let Israel stay and continue to worship false gods. Exile Israel for 70 years to rid the land of false gods.
21 JEREMIAH Israel on Trial and Found Guilty.
REVIEW 1.God Created the World 2.Man Fell in Sin 3.God Flooded the World 4.God Spread the Nations 5.God Made Promises to Abraham
REVIEW PAGE 2 6.God Tested Abraham 7.Jacob Becomes Israel 8.Joseph led Israel into Egypt 9.Moses brought Israel out of Egypt 10.Commandments weren’t followed, so they wander
REVIEW PAGE 3 11.Joshua led the armies of Israel 12.Judge Gideon leads the army 13.Ruth shows God can use anyone 14.Saul first king of Israel 15.David – A man after God’s own heart
REVIEW PAGE 4 16.David sinned and was forgiven 17.Solomon the King who had it all 18.Idols were worshiped, Israel is split in two 19.God sent messengers like Elijah to show his power 20.God sent messengers like Isaiah to show the future 21.God sent messengers like Jeremiah to give last chances