How might a jellyfish resemble your research paper right now?
Thesis: WHAT: one sentence that tells what the entire paper is about WHERE: Last sentence in first paragraph
Non-Exemplars: DO NOT ANNOUNCE! This paper will be about McCarthyism. NO! I am going to address the Red Scare in this research. NO!
Thesis: Include the entire paper. Non-exemplar: The Red Scare was in the 1950s. Non-exemplar: Sen. McCarthy began the Red Scare, now called McCarthyism. Non-exemplar: Fear can be dangerous. Why are these NOT good?
Exemplar of 1 st Paragr. (Intro) & Thesis: Throughout history people have acted at times in inexplicable ways. Too often, rather than logic, emotion and hysteria have motivated their actions as they have struck out against the vulnerable and the isolated. Tragically, at times these actions, spawned by personal motives, have been dangerous and out of control, harming those standing in the way. One such event was McCarthyism, otherwise called the Red Scare of the 1950s. This political hysteria, sparked by Cold War fears and a power-hungry politician, quickly grew into an intimidating force that preyed particularly on those in the entertainment industry and led to loss of income, reputation, and even lives.
First Paragraph with Thesis: “Hello” Topic or subject Comment Tie to thesis
Second Paragraph: “Now some meat...” Topic sentence (The beginning of the hysteria....) All the paraphrased notes from 1. Beginning (in your outline) You need 3 quotes in the entire paper and MANY paraphrases with parentheses.
Topic Sentences WHAT: one sentence that tells what the entire paragraph is about HOW: The topic sentence refers back to the thesis. WHERE: at the beginning of each of the 5 body paragraphs (#2-#6)
Non-Exemplars (Topic Sentences): This paragraph is going to cover the origin of the hysteria. I will address the outcome of the hysteria here. The trials ended in Sen. McCarthy was born in 1905.
Evaluation Card Sort: Which could be decent theses or topic sent.?
Sentence Outline: Thesis: This political hysteria, sparked by Cold War fears and a power-hungry politician, quickly grew into an intimidating force that preyed particularly on those in the entertainment industry and led to loss of income, reputation, and even lives. Topic Sentence 1: The Red Scare began in the 1950s with the manipulation and fear-mongering rhetoric of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who inflamed America to witch-hunt for communists. Topic Sentence 2: As the Red Scare grew, many entertainers were accused of being communists based on wild, unreasonable charges by others who were afraid of being convicted themselves. Topic Sentence 3: The trials themselves were mockeries of the justice system, often without real judges or believable witnesses, and resulted in convictions of innocent people. Topic Sentence 4: Before the hysteria began, the Cold War had set the stage for irrational fear and suspicion, which an unscrupulous politician played on to make a name for himself. Topic Sentence 5: Directly referring to McCarthyism, the author Arthur Miller wrote the play The Crucible to denounce the unfair and illegal proceedings against the entertainment industry.
Conclusion: (Summarize/ Quote/ Question/ Predict/ Suggest) People can act pretty illogically at times. In fact, after observing human nature for years, George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright, joked he was convinced that the earth was the “insane asylum for the universe” (“Quotes” n.p.). Although humorous, he made a sage point: human behavior is unpredictable and susceptible to erratic and malevolent influences. People are easy to manipulate, and for that reason, cannot be fully trusted. So how do we live without fear? Perhaps in that caution lies our safety: “Walk softly and carry a big stick” (Roosevelt n.p.). We should live life to the fullest..., but always watch our backs.
Matching Card Sort: Recreate the paper.
Parking Lot: Evaluate tonight’s goal.