Tools for tomorrow’s floodplain manager: Data management and tools ASFPM annual conference 2008 David Ford David Ford Consulting Engineers, Inc. Sacramento, CA
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1. Gather
from net_efekt on
Marvin Nauman/FEMA photo
Sacramento Bee
2. Organize
Duncan Davidson,
Ernest To Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin Data Source and Network SitesVariablesValuesMetadata Controlled Vocabulary Tables A data source operates an observation network A network is a set of observation sites Depth of snow pack Streamflow Landuse, Vegetation Windspeed, Precipitation Data Delivery e.g. mg/kg, cfs e.g. depth e.g. Non-detect,Estimated, A site is a point location where one or more variables are measured Metadata provide information about the context of the observation. A variable is a property describing the flow or quality of water A value is an observation of a variable at a particular time Data Discovery
Open Interoperable
Information Knowledge Data 3. Refine
Not me. I swear
from IBM’s Website (of course)
from Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
1968: No network at all 1969: 4 sites 1971: Developers predicted sites Today: 2,000,000, ,000,000+ sites Peter Salus (2008). The ARPANET Sourcebook: The Unpublished Foundations of the Internet
HEC-ResSim Corps' database NWSRFS HEC-ResSim CDEC database HEC-ResSim Reservoir operators CDEC Web server Corps' Web server Corps' firewall Synchronized configuration database
User interaction interface Systems management Provisioning tool Monitoring and metering Services catalog Servers (remote connection via Internet)
4. Distribute
N=1 +R=G +co-create Prahalad & Krishnan, The new age of innovation, 2008
1. Gather 2. Organize 3. Refine 4. Distribute
… the shelf life of biscuits and technology is about the same. Scott McNealy, Sun Microsystems, quoted in New York Times, March 27, 1993