Scientific Identification & Classification
Applied plant sciences Biology – the study of both plants and animals 1.Zoology –the part of biology that deals with animals 2.Botany – the part of biology that deals with plants. Forestry – growing trees for lumber pr plywood Horticulture – plants grown for food or beautification Agronomy – the study of soil and how plants are grown in them The way to distinguish among the applied sciences is the purpose for which plants are grown
Plant Parts Leaves Stems Roots Flowers
Leaves-External Petiole-leaf stalk or part that connects the leaf to the stem Blade-the large, flat part of the leaf Midrib-the large center vein Veins-the structural framework of the leaf Margin-the edge of the leaf
Leaf Retention Evergreen-Leaves stay on the plant all year long Deciduous-Leaves will fall off during the dormant periods Herbaceous-leaves and stems die back at the end of the season
Leaf Type
Leaf Shapes CordateElliptical Ovate SpatulateDeltoid LanceolateLiner
Leaf Margin
Leaf Arrangement AlternateOppositeWhorled
Vein Pattern
Functions of the leaf Photosynthesis - process by which plants collect sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. Respiration – converts sugars and starches into energy. Transpiration - the release of water vapor from the leaves of the plants. It also cools the plant.
Stems Movement of Materials Support of the leaves and reproductive structures Food storages Reproduction with stem cuttings or grafting
Stems-External Lenticels - breathing pores found on stems and branches Bud scale scars - indicate where terminal buds have been Leaf Scars - indicate where leaves have been attached Terminal bud - bud on the end of the stem Axillary or lateral bud Axillary bud is located at the axil of the leaf, lateral bud is located on the sides of stems.
Thorns & Prickles Thorn Prickle
Modified Stems Stolon Tuber Cladophyll
Root Functions Anchor the plant and hold it upright Absorb water and minerals from the soil and conduct them to the stem Store large quantities of plant food Propagate or reproduce some plants
Roots-External Root cap-indicates growth of new cells Root hairs-absorb moisture (water) and minerals Root images from a rice plant
Root Types Fibrous Roots Tap Root
Layers of Roots Fibrous-many branched shallow roots –are easier to transplant Tap-long root with few branched ones –more difficult to transplant
Flowers Sepals-Green parts that cover and protect flower bud before it opens Petals-are really leaves that are modified to attract insects for flower pollination, the pretty part that we call flowers Stamen-male part of the flower Pistil-female part of the flower
Parts of the Stamen Filament-short stalk that holds up the anther Anther-a sac-like structure that contains pollen, the male sex cells
Parts of the Pistil Stigma-sticky part on top of style where insects leave pollen Style-holds up the stigma and connects it to the ovary Ovary-if fertilized becomes a fruit or seed coat Ovules-the eggs or female sex cells that become seeds if fertilized
Complete-vs-Incomplete Complete flowers have both male and female parts Incomplete flowers have only male or female parts
Monoeciuos All male or all female flowers on plant Examples: Hollies or Ginkgo MaleFemale
Dioecious Male and female, imperfect flowers on same plant Examples: Squash & Pumpkin
Flower Types CorymbsPanicle Spike
Flower Types Umbel Head
Plant Parts-Fruit Cones Nut (acorn) Clusters or drupes (raspberry) Capsules (willow) Samara (maple)
Fruits and Nuts Cones Acorns Cluster Drupe
Fruits and Nuts Samara Capsule Pome
Life Cycle Annual-a plant that lives for only 1 year or less Biennial-a plant that lives for 2 years, usually flowering in the second year Perennial-a plant that lives for more than 2 years
Growth Habits Trees: greater than 12 feet tall Shrubs: less than 12 feet tall Vines: a plant that climbs & spreads
Growth Habits House Plant: plant grown indoors Bedding Plant: a plant used in flowering beds
Forms of Plants: Growth Pattern Spreading Weeping Columnar
Growth Forms Round Oval Pyramidal