JUNE 26, 2012 BOARD MEETING Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)


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Presentation transcript:

JUNE 26, 2012 BOARD MEETING Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

How is MAP data used by Teachers? Teachers and students set growth goals no later than the October Institute Day. Teachers form guided reading groups and flexible groups for math and language arts based upon MAP scores and lexiles generated during MAP testing Teachers are able to self-evaluate based upon classroom growth of their students using the Annual Student Growth reports provided by their principals

How is MAP data used School Teams? Data is used as one component to determine supplemental (Tier 2) services for children below grade level and not predicted to pass ISAT. Data is used as one component to determine accelerated services for children above grade level (advanced and challenge classes, flex groups and guided reading groups). Grade level data is analyzed for the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction in meeting and exceeding ISAT proficiency

How is MAP data used on the District Team? Data is used to determine accelerated services for children above grade level (advanced and challenge classes, flex groups and guided reading groups). Cohort data is analyzed for groups of children as they move through our system. It helps plan services from year to year for above- grade-level and below-grade-level children Grade level data is analyzed for the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction in meeting and exceeding ISAT proficiency District level data is analyzed to measure a “value added” curriculum. The gains of Woodland children over the national averages increase while they are with us.

Common Core State Standards MAP In Fall 2011 Woodland moved from the Illinois Goals MAP test to the Common Core State Standards MAP test Goals: 1 Align curriculum to new Common Core State Standards 2 Identify areas of curricular strengths and gaps 3 Establish a new baseline for longitudinal data

How do the CCSS scores of Woodland students compare to national scores?

Observations  Woodland’s Spring RIT scores continue to exceed the national mean scores in both mathematics and reading.  Despite the migration to CCSS MAP from Illinois MAP, Woodland’s mean Spring scores are consistent over the past five years. (Spring 2007-Spring 2012)

Fall 2011 to Spring 2012 Growth Woodland students in grades 2-8 had outstanding growth on the new Common Core State Standards MAP tests. Woodland has never achieved this number of “High Growth” scores. 6 of 14 scores were “High Growth” ( % of students meeting or exceeding growth target) MAP defines “High Growth” as > 60% of students meeting or exceeding growth target. 8 of 14 scores were “Average Growth” ( % of students meeting or exceeding growth target), and of those, three were high “Average Growth,” exceeding 55%. MAP defines “Average Growth” as % of students meeting or exceeding growth target. Not a single grade in either subject had “Low Growth”, < 39.9% of students meeting or exceeding growth targets.

Woodland’s Growth

Additional Data Presentation NWEA also provides districts with a more specific table that offers grade level uniqueness to growth, rather than the overall “High Growth” and “Average Growth” descriptors that recommended for school improvement use. The tables that follow contain yellow bars and a red line. The red line represents the average growth NWEA sees in each subject and grade level. The yellow bar represents the growth experienced at Woodland.

What’s next? We will need to increase our mean RIT scores to be successful on the PARCC assessments coming in This will require us to continue to align our curriculum with the Common Core. Teams of teachers are working throughout the summer to continue to align the curriculum to Common Core State Standards. The preponderance of work is in English Language Arts and math. At the Leadership Planning Conference, Woodland’s Leadership Team will drill down into the MAP scores to find the areas of high growth and low growth that contributed to this year’s overall growth scores.