Abortion with Stakeholders Presented by: Austin Sloan Kenzie Spring and Raquel Black
Abortion Stakeholder 1: the Pregnant Woman Women in the world have many feeling when it comes to abortion. They feel sad, happy, a relief, and feeling of loss. Most women do say that it is their body and they can do what ever they want. Women have abortions for many of reasons, one is they are not ready, another is they can’t afford to be a mother. Unmarried women were 17% more likely than currently married women to choose abortion to prevent others from knowing they had had sex or became pregnant
Abortion Stakeholder 1: the Pregnant women Three-quarters of women said that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities About two-thirds said they could not afford to have a child Half said they did not want to be a single parent or had relationship problems 19% say their parent wanted them to have an abortion
Abortion Stakeholder 1: the Pregnant Woman (continued…) Before the abortion procedure occurs, it is a standard practice that a nurse performs an ultrasound of the baby. Also procedure says that the pregnant woman may not see the ultrasound pictures… WHY? Because 78% of pregnant women who do see the ultrasound pictures, sonograms, reject the abortion they were about to have.
Abortion Stakeholder 1: the Pregnant Woman (continued…) The Woman’s Choice Network is a pro-life organization that helps women facing unplanned pregnancies cope with this and then try to encourage the mother’s to choose life for their babies. In 2011, the network aided more than 1,500 women. Of the 172 women who were considering abortion saw their sonogram, 123 continued the pregnancy to full term and kept the child. Image 2. Ultrasound.
Abortion Stakeholder 2: the average Male It takes two to create a child yet only one’s opionion matters when it comes to having a child. The woman’s. As long as that child is within the woman neither the man or the child have rights. Its all up to the woman whether the child lives or dies.
Abortion Stakeholder 2: the average Male (continued…) Image 1. Male with tape over his mouth representing Male stakeholder.
Abortion Stakeholder 3: the Abortion Doctor My stakeholder’s standpoint on abortion is that women have the right to do what they want with their bodies and the doctor is simply helping them fulfil that right. Also, abortionists say that women who are desperate enough will do whatever it takes to make the abortion happen. Again, here is the quote from the unnamed abortion specialist: “I perform abortions because women with unwanted pregnancies are willing to risk just about anything to try to end their pregnancy.” –*Name Protected Abortion Specialist* (Patheos)
Abortion Stakeholder 3: the Abortion Doctor (continued…) Medical examiners say that many other options for abortions have been available for years, yet the proper healthy way is the most common. Without abortionists willing to perform this task, women everywhere would grow strong health issues due to wrongfully receiving an abortion. “ Medical abortion is considered more natural because it happens in women's own bodies and can take place at home before nine weeks of pregnancy; surgical abortion with vacuum aspiration is simple and over quickly. Unless the costs of both methods are similar, however, women and providers will tend towards whichever is the cheaper option, limiting choice.” (Medical Abortion)
Abortion Stakeholder 3: the Abortion Doctor (continued…) For many years now the range of birth control methods have only been increasing but the effectiveness of all of them are not always accurate. (Medical Abortion) Many women who achieve self abortion do so because they feel it is safer for their reputation, more confidential, and easier to keep quiet. That being said, home self abortions happen quite often around the world, but not nearly as much in the U.S. (Medical Abortion)
Abortion Rates Around the World Image 3. Abortion Rates around the world.
Conclusions Image 4: Woman at a Pro Choice rally representing Abortion Doctor stakeholder. Image 5: Pregnant woman representing the Pregnant Women stakeholder. Image 6: Man with tape over his mouth to represent the Average Male stakeholder.
Works Cited Allott, Daniel. “The American Spectator.” N.p. 22 August Web. 24 February "Are You IN THE KNOW?" Are You IN THE KNOW: Characteristics of U.S. Women Having Abortions. Guttmacher Institute, Web. 24 Feb Berer, Marge. Medical Abortion: Issues of Choice and Acceptability. Reproductive Health Matters (13, 26). November, 2005 (25-34). Web. Canadian Health Network, N.p. Web. 24 February Elizabeth, Reeve. What About Fathers Rights Photograph. n.p. Web. Image 2. Google. Ultrasound. Photo. Web. 24 February Image 4. Google. This is my Uterus. Photo. Web. 26 February Image 5. Google. Pregnant Woman. Photo. Web. 8 April Image 1 and 6. Google. Tape. Photo. Web. 8 April Image 3. Teaching With Data. “Abortion Rates”. Photo. Web.
Works Cited Jesani, Amar, and Aditi Iyer. JSTOR. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr Sheldon, Sally. “Unwillling Fathers and Abortion: Terminating Men’s Child Support Obligations.” Modern Law Review. (2003): Terzo, Sarah. “78% of Pregnant Women Seeing Ultrasound Reject Abortions”. Life News, 7 Feb Web. 24 February "Thoughts from an Abortion Specialist." Interview. Web blog post. Patheos. Unreasonable Faith, 3 August Web. 24 February Torres, Aida, and Jacqueline Darroch Forrest. JSTOR. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr Warren, Warren. “On the moral and legal status of Abortion.” Monist. (1973)