Stages of Mitosis Flipbook
Interphase Interphase is the longest stage of mitosis in which the cell continues to fonction and the organells withing the cytoplasme double.
After the organelles duplicate, they space out to provide space for what happens next.
Early prophase Early Prophase is the first stage of mitosis. This is when the nucleolus dissolves and releases the DNA.
The nucleolus continues to dissolve, and is beginning to show some of the DNA.
The nucleolus and membrane fully dissolve and release the DNA, leading us to the second stage, which is Late Prophase
Late Prophase During Late Prophase, the spindle fibres attach to the centrometers of the chromasomes, holding them in place.
Metaphase Metaphase is when the spindle fibres pull the chromasomes into allignment on the equator of the cell.
Anaphase Spindle fibres begin to pull sister chromatids to opposite poles of the cell.
The spindle fibres continue to pull the chromosomes apart until there is enough room to commence our final stage of mitosis.
Telophase During Telophase,(the final stage) the spindle fibres disapear and a nuclear membrane formes around the separated set of chromosomes.
The start of the separation of the nuclei begins.
Cytokinesis Cytokenesis is the separation of the nuclei into two daughter cells, after this step, the mitosis process is complete.
The End