Copyright © 2010 School Nutrition Association. All Rights Reserved. Meal Pattern for School Lunch and Breakfast
Reading the Meal Pattern Chart National School Lunch Program School Year Lunch Meal Pattern Amount of food per week (Minimum per day) Menu Component Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12Grades K-8 Fruit (cups) 2 ½ ( ½ ) 5 (1)2 ½ ( ½ ) Vegetables (cups) 3 ¾ ( ¾ ) 5 (1)3 ¾ ( ¾ ) Dark Green ½½½½ Red/Orange ¾¾1 ¼¾ Beans/Peas ( legumes) ½½½½ Starchy ½½½½ Other vegetable ½½¾½ Additional Vegetables to reach total 111 ½1 Grains (oz eq)* 8 (1) 10 (2)8 (1) Meat/Meat Alternate (oz)* 8 (1)9 (1)10 (2)9 (1) Fluid Milk (cups)*** 5 (1) Calories Sodium ≤ 1230≤ 1360≤ 1420≤ 1230 *Note: The maximums for Grains and Meat /Meat alternative have been permanently suspended * ALL Grains must be Whole Grain-Rich (WGR) ***Fluid milk must offered in a variety of low-fat (1%, unflavored) and/or fat-free (flavored or unflavored)
“Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs” School Meals Policy SP
Hot Off the Press!!!!!! Through Schools that demonstrate challenges serving Whole Grain Rich pasta can receive a waiver from ODE/OCN to serve enriched pasta products Additional details forthcoming
All Grain ‘Items’ = Whole Grain-Rich ≥50% Starting July 1, 2014 At least 50% of the product contains whole grains An ‘Item’ is a food or a combination of foods, as defined by the school
Are the following products whole grain rich?
Serving size (1 oz): Wheat flour, white flour, water, dough conditioners, sugar No
“Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.” Yes
Recipe containing 2 lb. of whole wheat spaghetti and 2 lb. of enriched spaghetti Yes
Is this combination/’item’ WGR? Menu itemTotal weight of GrainWhole grain content Chicken Nuggets with non-WGR breading WGR Dinner Roll Breading 14 g Roll 28 g Total Grain 42 g Breading 0 g Roll 14 g Total WG 14 g 14 g = 33% Whole Grain 42 g Remedy: 1.Offer 100% Whole wheat dinner roll (28 g of Whole Grain) 2.Don’t count breading as part of total Grain – but be sure to offer enough daily and weekly Grain
Is this combination/’item’ WGR? Menu itemTotal weight of GrainWhole grain content Chicken Nuggets with non-WGR breading 100% Whole Wheat Dinner Roll Breading 14 g Roll 28 g Total weight 42 g Breading 0 g Roll 28 g Total WG 28 g 28 g = 67% Whole Grain = WGR 42 g
Lunch No changes in Offer vs. Serve Students must select ½ cup F or V Sodium Target 1 in effect starting July 1
Let’s Look at Some Examples
At the cash register: Is this a Reimbursable Lunch? Chicken Patty on Bun 1% plain milk No
At the cash register: Is this a Reimbursable Lunch? Chicken Patty on Bun ½ cup Tossed salad 1% Plain milk No; only ¼ cup Vegetable
Is this a complete K-8 menu? Beef Taco (2 oz M/MA, 1 oz eq. WGR) ½ cup 100% Orange juice ¾ cup 100% Tomato juice Choice of milk Offering only juice is OK, as long as only half the weekly offerings are in the form of juice
Is the following a whole grain rich item? Mixture of 5 pounds 100% Whole Grain pasta plus 3 pounds enriched pasta Yes, mixtures such as these are allowable SFA defines the “product”
How many components can be credited? Smoothie made with yogurt, milk and fresh fruit. Smoothies at lunch can only count toward the Milk and Fruit – Fluid milk must also be offered separately. The yogurt can be credited (M/MA) only at Breakfast.
Reducing Waste USDA Memo Students may take some foods out of cafeteria to reduce waste. Foods that need no heating or refrigeration Fresh fruit and vegetables Consult your local health department prior to implementing
Breakfast Meal Pattern Food itemK K-12 Amount of food per week (minimum per day) Fruit Juice or Vegetable, cup 5 (1) Grain, oz. eq. *7 (1)8 (1)9 (1) Milk, cup5 (1) M/MA, oz. ** (optional) Count as second grain component after 1 oz grain offered or EXTRA Calories Sodium (mg)≤ 540≤ 600≤ 640≤ 540 * All grains must be whole grain-rich * Grain daily and weekly minimums must be met ** Cannot serve only 2 M/MA; at least one Grain must be offered
School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014 Average weekly GradeSodium K-5540 mg mg mg
School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014 Fruit/Vegetable/Juice Offer 1 cup per day (K-12) Fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruit allowed –Dried fruit credits as twice the volume served –¼ cup Raisins= ½ cup of Fruit May offer a single fruit type or combination of fruits No maximum limit on fruit
School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014 Vegetables and fruits may be offered interchangeably No vegetable subgroup requirements To offer a Starchy V, you must offer 2 cups of V from R/O, DG, B/P/L or Other group the same week
100% Juice Only half of weekly offering may be in the form of juice –Could offer ½ cup fresh fruit PLUS ½ cup juice daily Whole Grains All Grains must be Whole Grain-Rich School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014
Offer vs. Serve (OVS) Optional at all grade levels Must offer 4 items to operate OVS Allows students to decline 1 food item Students ARE required to take ½ cup F or V Don’t have to operate OVS every day Students may take 2 servings of Grain or F School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014
Offer vs. Serve (OVS): Grains May a school using OVS offer two different 1 oz eq Grain items, allow students to take two of the same Grain items and count them as two items for the purposes of OVS? School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014
Offer vs. Serve (OVS): Grains –Yes, may offer 1 cup milk, 1 cup F, plus two Grains: cereal (1oz eq) and toast ( 1oz eq) –For OVS, student can take ½ cup F and two pieces of toast –SFA decides to allow students to select duplicate items
School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014 Let’s Make Breakfast! Menu Pop Tart (1oz eq) Apples (1 cup) Fat-Free or 1% unflavored milk (1 cup) How many items are in this meal? Could a student decline an item under OVS? No Three
School Breakfast Meal Pattern Effective July 1, 2014 Let’s Make Breakfast! Menu RTE Cereal (1 oz eq) students may select 2 Raisins (½ cup) Fat-Free or 1% unflavored milk (1 cup) How many items are in this meal? Could a student decline an item under OVS? Yes Four
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