LIGO-India An Indo-US joint mega-project concept proposal IndIGO Consortium (Indian Initiative in Gravitational-wave Observations) Tarun Souradeep IUCAA (Spokesperson, IndIGO) Chief Secretary, Karnataka Bangalore Jan 27, 2012
A Century long Wait Einstein’s Gravitation ( ): Beauty : symmetry in fundamental physics –mother of gauge theories & precision : matches all experimental tests till date to high precision Gravitational Waves -- travelling space-time ripples are a fundamental prediction Existence of GW inferred beyond doubt (Nobel Prize 1993) Feeble effect of GW on a Detector strong sources GW Hertz experiment ruled out. Only astrophysical systems involving huge masses and accelerating very strongly are potential detectable sources of GW signals. GW Astronomy link Astrophysical systems are sources of copious GW emission: GW emission efficiency (10% of mass for BH mergers) >> EM radiation via Nuclear fusion (0.05% of mass) Energy/mass emitted in GW from binary >> EM radiation in the lifetime Universe is buzzing with GW signals from cores of astrophysical events Bursts (SN, GRB), mergers, accretion, stellar cannibalism,… Extremely Weak interaction, hence, has been difficult to detect directly But also implies GW carry unscreened & uncontaminated signals 96% universe does not emit Electromagnetic signal!
Principle behind direct Detection of GW
Era of Advanced GW detectors: x sensitivity 10x dist reach 1000 volume >> 1000X event rate ( reach beyond nearest super- clusters ) A Day of Advanced LIGO Observation >> A year of Initial LIGO observation Detector Generation NS-NSNS-BHBH-BH Initial LIGO ( ) Enhanced LIGO (2X Sensitivity) ( ) Advanced LIGO (10X sensitivity) ( …)
Global Network of GW Observatories improves… Global Network of GW Observatories improves… LIGO-LLO: 4km LIGO-LHO: 2km+ 4km GEO: 0.6km VIRGO: 3km future: LCGT 3 km TAMA/CLIO 1. Detection confidence 2. Duty cycle 3. Source direction 4. Polarization info. LIGO-India ? Time delays in milliseconds India provides almost largest possible baselines. (Antipodal baseline 42ms)
LIGO-India: … the opportunity Science Gain from Strategic Geographical Relocation Source localization error Courtesy: S. Fairhurst Launch of Gravitational wave Astronomy
vit GWIC Roadmap Document Gravitational wave Astronomy : Fundamental physics Astronomy & Astrophysics Cosmology
Schematic of Advanced LIGOdetectors Large scale Ultra high Vacuum to be fabricated in India 10 mega -litres at nano-torr!!! Highly Multi- disciplinary Astro ++ “Every single technology they’re touching they’re pushing, and there’s a lot of different technologies they’re touching.” (Beverly Berger, National Science Foundation Program director for gravitational physics. )
Multi-Institutional, Multi-disciplinary Consortium 1.CMI, Chennai 2.Delhi University 3.IISER, Kolkata 4.IISER, TVM 5.IISER, Pune 6.IIT Madras (EE) 7.IIT Kanpur (EE) 8.IUCAA, Pune 9.RRCAT, Indore 10.IPR, Ahmedabad Members from TIFR Mumbai IISc, Bangalore RRI, Bangalore … Nodal Institutions
India leads high visibility, fundamental science expt. that has huge (international) public appeal !!! Indian academia and industry would be working together The project provides high-technology goals that sharpen & showcase the abilities of Indian institutions and industry. The project will lead to significant human resources development in academic, technical and industrial spheres. Produce highly skilled S & T workforce for India Jobs at all levels for region hosting LIGO-India. Proximity to world class science Why is LIGO-India such an Attractive Indian Science Project?
LIGO-India: … current snapshot National level DST-DAE Consortium Flagship Mega-project (?) IUCAA is prepared to be the lead institute as the key-science stake holder It would have support from National DAE labs such as IPR & RRCAT (Possibly BARC, …?) Explicit statements from Director, RRCAT & Director, IPR Project leader : Search Committee of NSC chair +lead institutes (Prof. Kaw IPR, Prof. Gupta RRCAT), IndIGO chair – chaired by AKK, IUCAA. Training programs & HRD initiated – short term, & long term. IUCAA playing key role in this. Can be scaled up once LIGO-India is approved Construction: Substantial Engg project building. Indian capability in large vacuum system engg, welding techniques and technology Exists (IPR, RRCAT: LIGO team assessment) Site
LIGO-India: … Site requirement
Primary Requirements: Flat terrain (minimal earthmoving expense) Low seismicity (events but also backgrounds) Low human generated noise Air connectivity Proximity to Academic institutions, labs, industry preferred, … Challakere site seems to be positive at preliminary assesment LIGO-India: … the challenges Indian Site Identify potential sites not too far from existing facilities Basic topograph maps, weather data, … Need to carry out seismic survey to get ground noise spectral density at Hz range Few interesting possibilities are under investigation
Option Acquire modest extra adjoining land
Option No 6 Minor Swap with DRDO Swap with Sheep farm Minor extra land acquisition
Option Skirt DRDO Swap with Sheep farm minor land acquisition
Seismic background at Site X Preliminary Site Survey
Site characterization: Archived Weather Data at Site X
LIGO-India Site: Usage restrictions in Adjoining region Current + during >15 year Operations NO sustained heavy equipment, mining, blasting activity in the vicinity (30km) NO Reciprocating power-plant machinery, rock crushers and heavy machinery (> 16 km, prefer 40km from the site) Non-reciprocating power-plant machinery and balanced industrial machinery should be located at least 7km from the site, preferred distance of 16 km. Railway: >10 kms (preferably 16km) away from any busy railway track active at present, or, possible in the next 15 year. Roadways: More that 4-6 km from any major busy motor highway. Airways: More than 60km from any major airport. More that 20km from a not so busy (less than 5 flights/day) airport. No major water flows during most of the year near the site (The site should be 100 km to 200 km away from the sea-coast!) Thank you !!!
Home ground advantage. Unique & unprecedented opportunity. Threshold of discovery and launch of a new observational window in human history !! Century after Einstein GR, 40 yrs of Herculean global efforts Unlike other projects the key crucial components and subsystems have already been developed and individually tested & validated and are ready to be taken up for installation. So there are no uncertainties regarding the technological feasibility. No requirement of a incubation period for technology demonstration, pathfinder mission etc. as the current design and technology for the detector is based on R&D and development done by the LSC over the past to decades India pays true tribute to fulfilling Chandrasekhar’s legacy: ”Astronomy is the natural home of general relativity” Attain high technology gains for partnering Indian labs & industries Concluding remarks on LIGO-India Thank you !!!
LIGO-India: Salient points of the megaproject On Indian Soil with International Cooperation (no competition) Partner in major science discovery!!! (IndIGO already part of LSC) AdvLIGO would be first setup at US site. – AdvLIGO-USA precedes LIGO-India by ~3 years. Staggered time-line dual advantage. – Indian experimenters would participate in Adv-LIGO-USA – Significant US expertise will pave way for faster execution of LIGO-India (Already Stan Whitcomb Chief Sc. LIGO; Rana Adhikari- Caltech-LIGO (+ GEO,EGO,….) have committed to spend a 2+ months/year in India US hardware contribution ready : no uncertainty in timeline – Adv.LIGO is the Largest NSF funded project i n USA – aLIGO-India exploration by LIGOlab approved by NSF blue ribbon committee on Oct 7, 2011 Expenditure entirely in Indian labs & Industry. Very significant Industrial capability upgrade. Indian DAE labs & Industry assessed to be in position to carry out phase-I of LIGO-India. (Senior LIGO team visited Indian labs & facilities in Aug &Oct 2011 ] Well defined training plan Generate large number (~100)of highly trained HRD in areas of wide application in S &T. Major data analysis centre for the entire LIGO network. Huge opportunity for Indian University participation. ' The panel believes that the science case for LIGO-India is compelling, and reason enough to move forward in the near term … We note that LIGO-India is the only option actively under consideration by the LIGO Laboratory.' -- NSF
LIGO-India : Expected Indian Contribution LIGO-India: … the challenges
Phase 1 ( ) Site ( L-config: 100 m x 8km ), survey, acquisition, site preparation Ultra-high Vacuum enclosure : design adaptation industry T ransfer of Interferometer components from USA Training through participation of core team at advanced LIGO-USA HPC-Data centre + Expansion of current science user community by 2015 Phase 2 ( ) Interferometer installation & commissioning Engineering run Phase 3 ( ) o Science runs and sustained operations o Research labs to participate in upgrade lines & 3 rd gen. o Physics & Astronomy research Budget: : Rs. 10 Crores (Seed Funding) : Rs. 650 Crores : Rs. 380 Crores : Rs. 230 Crores Time frame: Site and Detector Construction: Commissioning and Science Runs: 2019 Network Operation: 2020
Phase 1. Large scale ultra-high Vacuum enclosure S.K. Shukla (RRCAT), A.S. Raja Rao (ex RRCAT), S. Bhatt (IPR), Ajai Kumar (IPR) To be fabricated by Industry with designs from LIGO. A pumped volume of 10000m 3 (10Mega-litres), evacuated to an ultra high vacuum of nano-torr (10 -9 torr ). Spiral weld UHV beam tubes 1.2 m dia: 20 m sections. Sections butt welded to 200m UHV Optical tanks to house mirrors : end, beam splitter,… Expansion Bellows btw 200m beam sections, 1 m gate valves
Indian contribution in human resources: UHV construction supervision [team, expertise, experience & resource identified from RRCAT & IPR+ IISERs within IndIGO (+ BARC+…?)] Site survey working group [with geophysicists and civil engineering groups in place + GSI … ?] Scientific & Engineering manpower for detector assembly, installation and commissioning ( ). To participate in installation and comm. of Adv. LIGO USA 2 PDFs in LIGO already; 2 under consideration,….. Researchers (mostly NRI) from intl.GW labs interested in LIGO-India positions in India (eg., U Wash, UWAus, Glasgow, B’ham UK, ESA, …),…. Trained S&E manpower for LIGO-India sustained operations for around 2018 (7 years from now) Parallel developments in technology R&D in national labs LIGO-India: meeting the challenges
27 Indian GW research Legacy 20+ years of work in source modelling, gravitational wave data analysis algorithms and related areas … ). A number of highly productive collaborations have been established with GW groups in Australia, France, Germany, Japan, UK and USA, mainly through bilateral programmes. Students and postdocs from the programme are in top GW groups internationally – younger section faculty positions in India IUCAA (Dhurandhar) has been a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) for a decade ( ). Templates in LDAS based on Source models (Iyer) from India IndIGO membership (multi-institutional team of 15 DA, theory & expt) of LIGO Science Collab. (Sept 2011)
LIGO-India : Vacuum structure & engineering LIGO-India: … the challenges
Fabricated and installed by Indian Industry under close monitoring by science & technology team o Oversee the procurement & fabrication of the vacuum system components and its installation by a national multi-institutional team. o DAE commitment to LIGO-India Intense participation of RRCAT & IPR possible. o All vacuum components such as flanges, gate-valves, pumps, residual gas analyzers and leak detectors will be bought. o Companies L&T, Fullinger, HindHiVac, Godrej, … with close support from RRCAT, IPR and LIGO Lab. 1 st round of discussions with Industry in Feb 2011 : Companies like HHV, Fullinger, Godrej in consultation with Stan Whitcomb (LIGO), D. Blair (ACIGA) since this was a major IndIGO deliverable to LIGO-Australia. Followed by visit by LIGO expt to industry in Aug Plan : Large scale ultra-high Vacuum
LIGO-India : Detector Assembly & commisionning LIGO-India: … the challenges
Phase 2. Detector Assembly & Commissioning For installation and commissioning phase: Identify core experienced Engineers & scientists who spend a year, or more, at Advanced LIGO-USA during its install. & comm. – 2 post-docs at LIGO Caltech (2010, 2011), 2 more other under consideration in LIGO and EGO – Present experimental expertise within IndIGO Laser ITF: RRCAT, IPR, TIFR,NPL, IITM, IIT K, IISER Pune, IISER, Kol, IISER TVM UH Vacuum: RRCAT, IPR, TIFR, BARC In project mode, each group can scale to 10 Post-doc & PhD students in 2-3 years. – Researchers (mostly NRI) from intl.GW labs interested in LIGO-India positions in India (eg., U Wash, UWAu, Glasgow, B’ham UK, ESA, …),…. – Young IISER faculty -- long visit LIGO facilities under IUSSTF (applied) 6-10 full time engineers and scientists in India.
LIGO-India : Trained Manpower generation and sustenance LIGO-India: … the challenges
Manpower generation for sustenance of LIGO-India : Plans & exploration Advanced LIGO USA will have a lead time over LIGO-India Indian personnel trained in USA bring expertise to LIGO-India and build groups using associated training program. (DST /Academy/ IUSSTF/SAVI/… programs, e.g, BOYSCAST, Ramanujan may be helpful, perhaps not sufficient.) IndIGO Summer internships in International labs underway (2 nd year). o High UG applications 30/40 each year from IIT, IISER, NISERS,.. o 2 summers, 10 students, 1 starting PhD at LIGO-MIT o Plans to extend to participating National labs to generate more experimenters IndIGO schools to expose students to emerging opportunity in GW science o 1 st IndIGO school in Dec 2010 in Delhi Univ. (thru IUCAA) o Funded ICTS Cosmology & GW school in IUCAA, Dec 2011 o Ongoing IUCAA GW school in Tezpur Univ. (Jan 2012) Tech. Training school (initially period offered by IPR, RRCAT) & also Post graduate school specialization course at IUCAA major UG to PhD program (involve Intl community).
Indo-US centre for Gravitational Physics and IUCAA Centre of Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Exchange program to fund mutual visits and facilitate interactions leading to collaborations Nodal centres: IUCAA, Pune, India & Caltech, Pasadena, USA. Institutions: Indian: IUCAA, TIFR, IISER, DU, CMI - PI: Tarun Souradeep USA: Caltech, WSU - PI: Rana Adhikari APPROVED (Dec 2010). Funds received Jul 6, 2011
Primary Science: Online Coherent search for GW signal from binary mergers using data from global detector network Coherent 4 x event rate (40 160 /yr for NS-NS) Role of IndIGO data centre Large Tier-2 data/compute centre for archival of GW data and analysis Bring together data-analysts within the Indian science community. Puts IndIGO on the global map for international collaboration with LIGO Science Collab. wide facility. Part of the LSC participation by IndIGO Large University sector participation via IUCAA > ~100 Tflops peak capability (by 2014) Storage: 4x100TB per year per interferometer. Network: gigabit+ backbone, National Knowledge Network Gigabit dedicatedlink to LIGO lab Caltech 30 Tf,200 Tb funded IUCAA : ready fall 2012 IndIGO Data
180 W pre-stabilized Nd:YAG laser 10 interferometer core optics (test masses, folding mirrors, beam splitter, recycling mirrors) Input condition optics, including electro-optic modulators, Faraday isolators, a suspended mode-cleaner (12-m long mode-defining cavity), and suspended mode-matching telescope optics. 5 "BSC chamber" seismic isolation systems (two stage, six degree of freedom, active isolation stages capable of ~200 kg payloads) 6 "HAM Chamber" seismic isolation systems (one stage, six degree of freedom, active isolation stages capable of ~200 kg payloads) 11 Hydraulic External Pre-Isolation systems Five quadruple stage large optics suspensions systems Triple stage suspensions for remaining suspended optics Baffles and beam dumps for controlling scattering and stray radiation Optical distortion monitors and thermal control/compensation system for large optics Photo-detectors, conditioning electronics, actuation electronics and conditioning Data conditioning and acquisition system, software for data acquisition Supervisory control and monitoring system, software for all control systems Installation tooling and fixturing LIGO labs LIGO-India ? LIGO-India: unique once-in-a-generation opportunity
Advanced LIGO Laser Designed and contributed by Albert Einstein Institute, Germany Much higher power (to beat down photon shot noise) – 10W 180W (narrow sub kHz line width) Better stability – 10x improvement in intensity (nano ppm) and frequency stability (mHz) Unique globally. Would require years of focused R &D effort in India AdvLIGO laser has spurred RRCAT to envisage planning development of similar laser capability in the next 5 year plans. IIT M/K group also interested. Multiple applications of narrow line width laser : Freq time stand, precision metrology, Quantum key distribution, high sensitivity seismic sensors (geo sc.), coherence LIDAR (atm sc.), ….
Advanced LIGO Mirrors Larger size – 11 kg 40 kg, 25 34 cm Smaller figure error – 0.7 nm 0.35 nm Lower absorption – 2 ppm 0.5 ppm Lower coating thermal noise Surface specs ( /3000) : 100 x best telescope optics Surface specs currently available in India for much smaller sizes /20 Indian industry may now be challenged to achieve on small scale, eg., for TIFR 3m prototype Technology for such mirror useful for high optical metrology and other specialized applications
“Quantum measurements” further improvement via squeezed light: Potential technology spin-offs will impact quantum computing and quantum key distribution (QKD) for secure communications. (IITM approached by ITI for QKD development.) New ground for optics and communication technology in India + Cold atom labs (IISc., IISERP,….), Precision force measurements,…. High Potential to draw the best Indian UG students, typically interested in theoretical physics, into experimental science !!! LIGO-India: unique once-in-a-generation opportunity
LIGO-G v1 Optics Installation Under Cleanroom Conditions Courtesy: Stan Whitcomb High precision skills Low contamination labs & trained manpower for related Indian labs & industry Application in other sciences, eg. Material sciences, Space, biotech,…
Home ground advantage. Unique & unprecedented opportunity. Threshold of discovery and launch of a new observational window in human history !! Century after Einstein GR, 40 yrs of Herculean global efforts Unlike other projects the key crucial components and subsystems have already been developed and individually tested & validated and are ready to be taken up for installation. So there are no uncertainties regarding the technological feasibility. No requirement of a incubation period for technology demonstration, pathfinder mission etc. as the current design and technology for the detector is based on R&D and development done by the LSC over the past to decades Attain high technology gains for Indian labs & industries India pays true tribute to fulfilling Chandrasekhar’s legacy: ”Astronomy is the natural home of general relativity” Concluding remarks on LIGO-India Thank you !!!
IndIGO Consortium – a brief history Dec : Rana Adhikari’s visit & discussions 2009: – Australia-India S&T collaboration (Iyer & Blair) Establishing Australia-India collaboration in GW Astronomy Establishing Australia-India collaboration in GW Astronomy – IndIGO Consortium: IUCAA Reunion meeting (Aug 9, 2009) – GW Astronomy Roadmap for India; : – Meetings at Kochi, Pune, Shanghai, Perth, Delhi to Define, Reorient and Respond to the Global (GWIC) strategies for setting up the International GW Network. – Bring together scattered Indian Experimental Expertise; Individuals & Institutions March 2011: IndIGO-I Proposal: Participation in LIGO-Australia May 2011+: LIGO-India.. Note: IndIGO was admitted to GWIC in July 2011 : Intl. recognition of the growing community in India. IndIGO has been accepted into the LIGO Science Collab. (LSC) : pan-Indian 7 institutes: 15 members: Theory, DA + EXPERIMENTERS ) : Sept. 2011
Data Analysis & Theory Sanjeev Dhurandhar IUCAA Bala Iyer RRI Tarun Souradeep IUCAA Anand Sengupta Delhi Univ. Archana Pai IISER,-TVM Sanjit Mitra JPL, IUCAA K G Arun CMI Rajesh Nayak IISER-K A.Gopakumar TIFR IndIGO Consortium IndIGO Consortium T R Seshadri Delhi University Patrick Dasgupta Delhi University Sanjay Jhingan Jamila Milia L. Sriramkumar, IIT M Bhim P. Sarma Tezpur Univ. Sanjay Sahay BITS, Goa P Ajith Caltech Sukanta Bose, Wash. U. B. S. Sathyaprakash Cardiff University Soumya Mohanty UTB, Brownsville Badri Krishnan Max Planck AEI Satyanarayan MohapatraUM, Amherst
C. S. Unnikrishnan TIFR G Rajalakshmi TIFR P.K. Gupta RRCAT Sendhil Raja RRCAT S.K. Shukla RRCAT Raja Rao RRCAT exx Anil Prabhakar, IIT M Shanti Bhattacharya IIT M Pradeep Kumar, IIT K Ajai Kumar IPR S.K. Bhatt IPR Vasant Natarajan IISc. Umakant RapolIISER Pune Shiva Patil IISER Pune Joy Mitra IISER Tvm S. Ghosh IISER Kol Supriyo MitraIISER Kol Ranjan Gupta IUCAA Bhal Chandra Joshi NCRA Rijuparna Chakraborty Cote d’Azur Rana Adhikari Caltech Suresh Doravari Caltech S. Sunil U. W. Aus. Rahul Kumar U. of Glasgow Biplab Bhawal LIGO ex K. Venkat U. Washington B. Bhadur U. of Illinois Instrumentation & Experiment
Director RRCAT’s statement The LIGO-India being a project of National interest and entailing high end technologies such as lasers, optics and vacuum is of great interest to RRCAT. RRCAT would provide all the required support for key technological expertise for lasers, optics and vacuum by way of design, expert advice, consultancy and training of manpower in vacuum technology and optics/laser technology etc, required for the project. Manpower recruited for the vacuum and laser/optics activities of IndIGO project will be trained at RRCAT by way of participation in the various ongoing developmental projects in the respective fields. These trained manpower can then contribute to the IndIGO project as the facility gets built. This mode of participation in IndIGO would lead to valuable contributions to the project without affecting the ongoing projects at RRCAT and also ensure that sufficient trained manpower is available during installation and commissioning phase to run the project in a sustainable manner.
Statement : P.K. Kaw, Director, IPR The case for LIGO-India is very compelling. Gravitational astronomy is at the threshold of its birth and is likely to emerge, in the coming few decades, as a totally new window for the exploration of our Universe. Discoveries in this new field are likely to revolutionize our understanding of the Universe and will lead to many Nobel Prizes. We are getting an opportunity to leapfrog and participate as equal partners in this exciting enterprise, by working closely with one of the world’s most advanced groups viz. scientists and engineers of LIGO project from institutions like Caltech, MIT, Berkeley and Stanford. We already have a community of distinguished gravitational physicists/ astronomers in India and in the Indian community abroad, who can provide leadership in the utilization of data from LIGO detectors for the purposes of modeling and interpretations. We are also lucky in having developed in several of our scientific institutes, the essential technical expertise required for setting up the basic infrastructure such as the selection of an appropriate site, the detailed design and fabrication of large volume ultra high vacuum systems, the basic vibration isolation and dynamic real time control experience and experience in working with simple laser based interferometer/Febry-Perot etalon systems. We can look forward to the import of new ideas and transfer of highly sophisticated new technologies, which will inevitably arise if we take up the task of implementing the LIGO India project in close collaboration with LIGO team. We are therefore confident that it can be taken up as a challenge by our young scientists and engineers who can deliver the goods by working closely with industries in India. We strongly believe that the quality of scientific output from the LIGO project, if successful, is going to be so high that it is a risk worth taking and too good an opportunity to be allowed to be lost. Statement : Prof. P.K. Kaw, Director IPR The case for LIGO-India is very compelling. Gravitational astronomy … threshold of its birth and …. as a totally new window for the exploration of our Universe. Discoveries in this new field …. and will lead to many Nobel Prizes. We are getting an opportunity to leapfrog … and participate as equal partners …. institutions like Caltech, MIT, Berkeley and Stanford. We already have a community of distinguished gravitational physicists/ astronomers in India ….. We are also lucky in having developed in several of our scientific institutes, the essential technical expertise required … We are therefore confident that it can be taken up as a challenge by our young scientists and engineers who can deliver the goods by working closely with industries in India. We strongly believe that the quality of scientific output from the LIGO project, if successful, is going to be so high that it is a risk worth taking and too good an opportunity to be allowed to be lost.
LIGO-India: a good idea for Intl. community ! Geographical relocation Strategic for GW astronomy Potentially larger GW expt & science community in the future – Indian demographics: youth dominated – need challenges – Improved UG education system will produce a larger number of students with aspirations looking for frontline research opportunity at home. Present experimental expertise within IndIGO Laser ITF: RRCAT, IPR, TIFR, IITM, IIT K, IISER Pune, IISER, Kol, IISER TVM + …? UH Vacuum: RRCAT, IPR, TIFR +….? In project mode, each group can scale to 10 Post-doc & PhD students in 2-3 years. Major enhancement of Science & Data Analysis team. Consolidated IndIGO participation in LIGO Science Collab. (Sept 2011) Sukanta Bose, senior LSC member, USA applied to IUCAA Sanjit Mitra : Caltech IUCAA, Sengupta DU Expand theory and create numerical relativity simulation. Expect hiring in premier institutions Ajith P., TAPIR, Caltech ?
LIGO-India vs. Indian-IGO ? Primary advantage: LIGO-India Provides cutting edge instrumentation & technology to jump start GW detection and astronomy. Would require at least a decade of focused & sustained technology developments in Indian laboratories and industry 180 W Nd:YAG: 5 years; – Operation and maintenance should benefit further development in narrow line width lasers. – Applications in high resolution spectroscopy, – precision interferometry and metrology. Input conditioning optics..Expensive..No Indian manufacturer with such specs Seismic isolation (BCE,HAM).. Minimum 2 of years of expt and R&D. – Experience in setting up and maintaining these systems know how for isolation in critical experiments such as in optical metrology, AFM/Microscopy, gravity experiments etc. 10 interferometer core optics.. manufacturing optics of this quality and develop required metrology facility : At least 5 to 7 years of dedicated R&D work in optical polishing, figuring and metrology. Five quadruple stage large optics suspensions systems years of development.. Not trivial to implement. – Benefit other physics experiments working at the quantum limit of noise.
LIGO-India: … the challenges LIGO-India: Project team requirements LIGO-India Director Project manager Project engineering staff: Civil engineer(s) Vacuum engineer(s) Systems engineer(s), Mechanical engineers Electronics engineers Software engineers Detector leader Project system engineer Detector subsystem leaders talented scientists or research engineers with interest and knowledge collectively spanning: Lasers and optical devices, Optical metrology, handling and cleaning, Precision mechanical structures, Low noise electronics, Digital control systems and electro-mechanical servo design, Vacuum cleaning and handling)
Indian Gravitational wave strengths Very good students and post-docs produced in Indian GW groups over 20yrs. * Leaders in GW research abroad [Sathyaprakash, Bose, Mohanty] (3) * Recently returned to faculty positions at premier Indian institutions (6) – Gopakumar (Jena TIFR) and Arun (Virgo CMI) : PN modeling, dynamics of CB, Ap and cosmological implications of parameter estimation – Rajesh Nayak (UTB IISER K), Archana Pai (AEI IISER T), Anand Sengupta (LIGO, Caltech Delhi), Sanjit Mitra (JPL IUCAA ): Extensive experience on single and multi-detector detection, hierarchical techniques, noise characterisation schemes, veto techniques for GW transients, bursts, continuous and stochastic sources, radiometric methods, … – P. Ajith (Caltech, LIGO/TAPIR ? ) …… – Sukanta Bose (Faculty UW, USA ?) Strong Indian presence in GW Astronomy with Global detector network broad international collaboration is the norm relatively easy to get people back. Close interactions with Rana Adhikari (Caltech), B.S. Sathyaprakash (Cardiff), Sukanta Bose ( WU, Pullman) India ?, Soumya Mohanty (UTB), Badri Krishnan ( AEI) …
IndIGO: Goals Provide a common umbrella to initiate and expand GW related Experimental activity and train new technically skilled manpower July 2011 IndIGO Consortium Application for Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) Accepted. Pan-Indian consolidated IndIGOmembership in LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) for participation in Advanced LIGO. Sept 2011 Create a Tier-2 data centre in IUCAA for LIGO Scientific Collaboration Deliverables and as a LSC Resource
IndIGO: current activities Starting collaborative work under the IUSSTF Indo-US IUCAA-Caltech joint Centre at IUCAA Indo-Jap project “Coherent multi-detector gravitational wave search using LCGT and advanced interferometers” Explore the Roadmap for EGO-IndIGO collaboration on GW and a possible MOU (Meeting on Nov 1-2,2011 at IUCAA) Explore Indian participation in LISA and space based GW detectors in the future ( ASTROD 5 meeting on July 14 – 16, 2012 at RRI) Propose LIGO-India !!!
S.No.ITEM description Land Acquisition & preparation Transfer of Equipment’ Vacuum Infrastructure Buildings, Clean Rooms & Infrastructure Staff Salaries25 6Computing and Data centre Knowledge Exchange Manpower development Travel,Vehicles/Transport Detector Installation & Commissioning Detector Operation & Maintenance rd Generation R&D (Consortium) Contingency Funds30 20 TOTAL Total Projected cost : Rs Crores LIGO-India Budget Summary: In Rs. Crores
LIGO-India Time-line Site survey, measurements, validation, selection and acquisition Site preparation, Design and Drawings for Buildings, Tendering for Civil infrastructure, construction of Central and End stations On site training and participation at LIGO-USA during initial phases of LIGO-USA assembly and tests Update and finalization of drawings for UHV systems, Preparation of infrastructure for fabrication & tests, Establishing protocols and processes for fabrication Fabrication of spiral welded tubes and main UHV End stations Shipping of LIGO components from LIGO-USA 2016 Start of LIGO-India interferometer assembly LIGO-India integration, tests and validation Locked operation of the detector and tuning to aimed sensitivity Science Runs and regular Operation of LIGO-India Network runs and GW astronomy with LIGO-India
Pulsar companion Nobel prize in 1993 !!! Hulse and Taylor 14yr slowdown of PSR Binary pulsar systems emit gravitational waves Indirect evidence for Gravity waves