Careers in Nursing Deanna Hanson, MSN, RN
Are nurses needed? YES! The world’s population is living longer and more nursing care will be needed. According to a Health Affairs, July/Aug 2009: “despite the current easing of the nursing shortage due to the recession, the U.S. nursing shortage is projected to grow to 260,000 registered nurses by A shortage of this magnitude would be twice as large as any nursing shortage experienced in this country since the mid-1960s. ” Government analysts project that “more than 587,000 new nursing positions will be created through 2016 (a 23.5% increase), making nursing the nation’s top profession in terms of projected job growth.” –Local Hospital Needs Currently a 7% statewide and 8% national vacancy rate for nursing positions
What is a nurse’s income? According to Jan Median Hourly Rate by State (2006)* –California: $31.88 –Florida: $23.26 –Georgia: $23.83 –Illinois: $25.00 –Pennsylvania: $25.00 –Tennessee: $22.25 –Texas: $25.00 Hospital staff nurses reported: $56,880. School Nurses: $45,000 Supervisors earned: $70,027 Nurse Practitioners: $75,000 Nurse Anesthetists: $175, and the American Nurses Association The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) reports that master's prepared nursing faculty across all ranks earned an annual average salary of $55,712 in nursingfacultyshortage.htm
What kind of schedules do nurses have? Nurses work in full-time, part-time, PRN or Per Diem, or temporary positions. Nurses may drop out of the work force temporarily and later return. Shifts vary and might be 12hrs or 8hrs, days, evenings, nights, or weekends. Patients in hospitals require 24hr care. Nurses in office or community settings usually work a business hours schedule.
Where can I work as a nurse? 3 out of 5 nursing jobs are in hospitals. 2 out of 5 nursing jobs are in the community.
Nurse Anesthetist Correctional Facility Nurse Critical Care Nurse ER/Trauma Nurse Flight/Transport Nurse Forensics/Sexual Assault Nurse Geriatric Nurse Holistic Nurse Home Health Nurse Hospice/Palliative Nurse Infection Control Nurse Infomatics Nurse Legal Nurse Consulting Long Term Care Nurse Medical Surgical Nurse Military Nurse Nurse Educator
Nurse Practioner (various specialties) Nurse Researcher Clinical Nurse Manager Nurse Writer, Author, or Historian Occupational Health Nurse Oncology Nurse Overseas, Volunteer, Missionary or Refugee Nurse Pain Management Nurse Parish Nurse Pediatric Nurse Psychiatric Nurse Radiology Nurse Public Health Nurse School Nurse Substance Abuse Nurse Transplant Nurse Travel Nurse Wound Care Nurse
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