Roger Petzold Federal Highway Administration Border & Interstate Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Roger Petzold Federal Highway Administration Border & Interstate Team

Expediting Legitimate Trade and Travel “Our shared border must be an engine, and not a brake, on our economic growth.” President Obama, with President Calderon, May 19, 2010

US – Mexico Border The U.S-Mexico border extends 1,954 miles. There are 45 active land border POEs and 9 international railroad crossings on the southern border. Background

 In May 2010, the United States and Mexico affirmed the importance of our shared border by issuing a Joint Declaration on 21st Century Border Management  Fundamentally restructure the way we manage the border to encourage:  increased trade,  enhance public safety,  welcome visitors, and  reduce the cost of doing business in North America.

The United States and Mexico created a bilateral working group, the Executive Steering Committee –(ESC),. The ESC is chaired on the U.S. side by the National Security Council Staff and Mexico by Presidentia Three ESC sub-committees separately address:  Border Infrastructure ;  Law Enforcement and Security Issues ;  Secure Flow of goods and people across the border.

21 st Century Border Agreement Executive Steering Committee 2013 Action Plan

1/8/ st Century Border Management IPC NSS DHS, DOT, DOD, DOJ, USDA, State, Commerce, GSA, OMB, ONDCP NALS Binational Bridges and Border Crossings Group US/Mexico Joint Working Committee for Transportation Planning (JWC) Merida coordination process Local binational coordination mechanisms and arrangements, Draft paper being developed (e.g., Bi-national Port Security Committees or Border Liaison Mechanisms) Water Management Border Environment Emergency Management Corridor Security DHS-DOJ DOD, ONDCP, IC, State Secure Flows DHS State, Commerce, USDA, DOJ, DOT, USTR, IC, GSA Info exchang e & liaison Infrastructure Planning State-DHS DOT, GSA, Commerce, EPA

B order wait time studies in the El Paso-Juarez area Construction of new cattle inspection facilities Continued improving risk management and targeting cooperation Increase the enrollment of Mexican and U.S. citizens in the Global Entry Program, Establish a pilot pre-inspection pilot at Otay Mesa and a pre-screening pilot at the Laredo Airport. implement lane segregation strategies Others 2013 Achievements

Developed an investigative strategy that encourages increased intelligence-driven investigations Continued to implement the Border Violence Prevention Protocols (BVPPs) Identifying criminal networks of organizations that participate in firearms, drugs and bulk cash trafficking, Identified ways to improve collaboration on the identification and investigation of cross-border tunnels. Produced a joint study that assesses firearms and explosives trafficking Other 2013 Achievements

Support the San Diego-Tijuana Airport cross-border facility. Support the Regional Border Master Planning processes Support the Border Liaison Mechanism Participation in the Binational Bridges and Border Crossings Meetings and the Joint Working Committee on Border Transportation meetings. Through the Joint Working Committee, study the impact of Border Transportation on Air Quality at the border. Continued to support efforts by California and Baja California to conclude the financial studies for construction of the Otay II – East Otay Mesa border crossing. Support the construction of the West Rail Bypass project between Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Advanced the San Ysidro-Tijuana port of entry expansion project Additional Project Specific monitoring 2013 Achievements

- May 2013, President Obama and President Peña Nieto announced - Advance strategic economic and commercial priorities - 1. Promoting Competitiveness and Connectivity ( Transportation, Telecommunications) - 2. Fostering Economic Growth, Productivity, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (Joint investment promotion, Making effective use of the North American Development Bank (NADB), Entrepreneurship) - 3. Partnering for Regional and Global Leadership ( Partnering to promote development in Central America, Transparency and anti-corruption)

 ITS  Border Wait Time  Electronic Tolling  Short Sea Shipping/Marine Highway  Commercial Motor Vehicle Cooperation  Freight and Corridor Planning

Originated in 1994 via MOU Coordinates Transportation Planning Chaired by FHWA/SCT and formed of Federal and State partners Twin goals of communication and coordination Biennial Work Plans U.S./ Mexico Joint Working Committee for Transportation

Regional Border Master Plans Border Modeling Peer Exchange (Nov. 4-5, 2014) Border Finance Workshop (May 23, 2013) Border Wait Time Pilots (10) Corridor/Logistics Studies

For more information Sylvia Grijalva US/Mexico Border Planning Coordinator Federal Highway Administration Office of Planning Border and Interstate Planning Team The JWC website:

THANK YOU ! Roger Petzold Office Of Planning Border &Interstate Planning Team Federal Highway Administration.

Roger Petzold Federal Highway Administration Oct. 23, 2013