PowerPoint: Masters and Slide Show Effects CMPSC 100 Lecture 7-3 Spring 2004 Doug Hogan
Overview MMasters slide masters handout masters SSlide show mode navigation review on-screen options SSlide transitions AAnimation OOffice Integration
Slide Masters Allow you to specify a consistent look and feel for the entire presentation Found under View > Master > Slide Master Two masters: Title slide Regular slide Any changes you make to the master apply to all slides
Slide Masters Demo Background You can right-click any slide and choose Background to change the background color. Doing it on the slide master makes the most sense for consistency.
Handout Master View > Master > Handout Master Allows you to put headers and footers on handouts (printouts with multiple slides per page) Demo
Slide Show Mode
Slide Show Navigation (mostly review) Starting a slide show F5 - from the beginning Slide show button – from current slide Go to previous slide P Page Up Left Arrow Up Arrow Advance to next bullet or slide Enter N Page Down Right Arrow Down Arrow Spacebar Mouse Click
More Slide Show Options To leave slide show mode, Esc Clearing the screen To get a black screen, B Press B again to remove black screen To get a white screen, W Press W again to remove white screen
Pointer Options and the Electronic Pen You have an arrow pointer when you go into PowerPoint To access an electronic pen for drawing on the screen, Ctrl+P Click and drag to draw on the screen To go back to arrow mode, Ctrl+A
More Slide Show Options Right-clicking during a slide show gives a menu of options. Many of the options we’ve discussed here Go to any slide Change the pen color Better to use keyboard options (or click to advance slide) whenever possible
Slide Transitions
Transitions Effects when slides are initially displayed One way to set them: 1. Go to Slide Sorter view 2. Select slides to apply transitions to 3. Click the Transitions button in the top right 4. Choose preferred option
Slide Animation
Animation Build effects specify how objects are added to the screen during a slide show No animation everything displayed at once One bullet at a time? Bullets at different levels of hierarchy – how many levels at once? Animating objects besides text Examples…
Animation: NO ANIMATION Build effects specify how objects are added to the screen during a slide show No animation everything displayed at once One bullet at a time? Bullets at different levels of hierarchy – how many levels at once? Animating objects besides text Examples…
Animation: FIRST LEVEL BULLETS Build effects specify how objects are added to the screen during a slide show No animation everything displayed at once One bullet at a time? Bullets at different levels of hierarchy – how many levels at once? Animating objects besides text Examples…
Animation: SECOND LEVEL BULLETS Build effects specify how objects are added to the screen during a slide show No animation everything displayed at once One bullet at a time? Bullets at different levels of hierarchy – how many levels at once? Animating objects besides text Examples…
Defined Animation Schemes Go to Slide Sorter view Select slides to animate Right-click one of them and choose Animation Schemes… Choose an animation scheme from the right (This is the Appear and dim scheme)
Animating Hierarchical Lists Defined animation schemes introduce text “by 1 st level paragraphs” only We must use custom animation to animate deeper levels of lists Work in Normal view Right-click a slide within the bulleted text area Choose Custom Animation
Custom Animation: Hierarchical Lists 1. Click Add Effect. 2. Go to the Entrance submenu and choose an option Basic: Appear More Effects… 3. A list of all animated objects is built, with something like “Text 2: …” added to the top. 4. Right-click “Text 2:…” and go to Effect Options. 5. Go to the Text Animation tab. 6. Choose an option from Group pull-down menu.
Custom Animation: Objects Objects other than text can be custom animated similarly. Example label for rectangle
Customizing Custom Animation (uh, more…) There’s a Property button where you set the directions from which objects fly in You can expand items in the list (demo) You can click and drag items in the list to change the order (demo) label for rectangle
Office Integration
Office Integration! DEMO Copy Excel Graph Paste into PowerPoint Can do the same thing with Word
Wrap-up Questions? Homework Applying masters Adding a transition Animating text and objects PowerPoint features. Explore. If there’s anything you’d like to see covered next time, me.
Screen Shots Full Screen: PrintScreen Active Window: Alt+PrintScreen Paste in any application Demo – editing