San Diego Community College District Jamila DeCarli, M.S. WorkAbility III Program Coordinator
What is WorkAbility III? WorkAbility III (WA III) programs are cooperative partnerships between the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and participating community colleges within the State of California. San Diego Community College District’s (SDCCD) WA III program began in 1984 and has served thousands of students with various disabilities.
Purpose of WA III To provide vocational services to DOR clients / community college students. To help students obtain employment during and after completion of their education / vocational training according to their IPE.
Eligibility for WA III Must be clients of the DOR. Must be students in the San Diego Community College District
College Campuses
Centre City West City ECC North City Mid City Mesa Cesar Chavez Non-Credit Classes
Occupational Opportunities (Continuing Education) Two Locations: Mesa ~ Mid City Explore different occupations Learn job search techniques Work on communication and interview skills Create a resume Learn about job accommodations Develop networking skills and use of community resources
Student Responsibilities Students are expected to be independent, active participants in the job search process, working alongside their vocational counselor to secure employment. Duration as a client of WA III depends upon academic progress, short vs. long term employment needs, level of participation, motivation of the student, and labor market competition in the vocational field.
WA III Staff A team of highly qualified, degreed professionals who have experience working with various disability groups. WA III staff communicates with DOR counselors on a regular basis in order to provide a consistent level of support and maximize the probability of student success.
Services Provided Vocational Counseling and Career Exploration Employment preparation (job search techniques, resume, interview skills, etc.) Work Experience/Internships On-the-job accommodations Employment retention for minimum of 90 days
Questions? Contact Jamila DeCarli, Program Coordinator