Iris Range : «Unconventional» conventional detectors
Introducing new devices IRIS is a range of detectors which represent an innovation in the conventional fire detection ID100 – SMOKE DETECTOR ID200 – HEAT DETECTOR ID300 – COMBINED SMOKE AND HEAT DETECTOR
Introducing new devices Iris detectors has been designed and are manufactured at Inim electronics, it is a 100% italian product
Introducing new devices Each device of the new ranges has been approved by LPCB which is one of the most prestigious notification body in fire detection EN54-5 : Heat Detectors EN54-7 : Smoke Detectors
KEY FEATURES Optical Smoke detectors are based on th eprinciple of the light scattering, to avoid false alarm it is important to avoid contaminations in the analysis chamber
Introducing new devices Top side completely sealed to avoid dust or water condensation to reach the chamber One of the most common false alarm or fault reason is the dust coming from the pipes or condensating water dropping from the top side
Introducing new devices Metal mash agains insect wit less than 500um holes diameter One of the biggest problems of optical smoke detectors is dust or insect entering in the chamber
Introducing new devices Electronic circuit completely WAX coated to avoid any contamination Moisture or environmental pollution may affect the behaviour of hi sensitive electronics circuits in the detector
Introducing new devices Sensitive part of the circuit completely shielded by a metal cage Electromagnetic noise may affect the measurement of the hi gain amplifier generating false alarms
Introducing new devices Last generation CPU inside each detector whith hi false alarm rejection algorithm The measurement of the smoke chamber and thermal probe are evaluated by the internal CPU and by means of the algorithm designed from the Inim R&D department an hi rejection to false alarm is achieved
Introducing new devices Smoke chamber easy to open for clean up operations In case of detector’s chamber contamination detector can be easily opened and cleaned with some air or a soft brush
Introducing new devices Each Detector is Full tested with automatic test equipment which measure each single component and verify each electrical connection
Introducing new devices Each Detector is Calibrated with a two stage process : one in free air and another one in a smoke tunnel to ensure the same response from each sample
Introducing new devices Each Detector is subjected to a «Burn IN test» of 24 hours: the 80% of electronic components failure occur during the first 24 hours of theyr life, detectors live theyr first 24 hours in our burn in test!
Introducing new devices Universal mounting base for every detector model Clip for line continuity restore in case of detector removal
Introducing new devices Relay base available for interface with intrusion systems
Introducing new devices Each device is identifyed by a serial number The serial number is reported on the back label and on two small detachable labels : this allow to stick a serial number to map and a serial number to mounting base
Introducing new devices Why “unconventional” ? During commissioning or maintenances operations it is possible to disconnect the detector line from panel… …and connect it to EDRV100 driver … EDRV100 can operate connected to a PC … … or stand alone thanks to its internal battery USB
Introducing new devices Identify each conventional detector connected on the line And for each one… Thanks to Versa++ technology is possible to:
Introducing new devices Operating options can be selected (Led Blink, remote blink etc.) Smoke Sensitivity can be adjusted Heat Sensitivity can be adjusted Smoke and heat combination mode can be selected : OR Mode AND Mode Only Heat Only Smoke PLUS Mode Red Led, Yellow Led and remote output can be manually activated Any fault (chamber contamination, chamber fault, thermal probe fault etc) is reported
Introducing new devices A full diagnostic of each detector is available: Smoke chamber contamination level Real time Smoke value graph Real time temperature value graph
Introducing new devices Each detector store the last 5 minutes of smoke and tempearture values before the last alarm providing a powerful tool for investigate over the alarm causes
Introducing new devices DON’T YOU THINK IRIS IS A STEP AHEAD?