© 2010 Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. All Rights Reserved National Implications of the Federal Pollution Limits for the Chesapeake Bay Clean-Up Clifton Bell, P.E., P.G. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc
Challenges for Localities: Address Existing Nutrient Sources UrbanStormwater Wastewater WWTP Upgrades Failing septic systems Stormwater retrofits Fertilizer controls
NewDevelopment & Redevelopment Wastewater Challenges for Localities: Staying Under the Nutrient Cap Strict stormwater controls Advanced septic systems Reuse / recycle Trading/offsets? Septic sprawl?
Urban Runoff: Minority of the Problem, But a Majority of Projected Cost 70% of TMDLcosts?
Urban Retrofits the Most Expensive Way to Reduce Nutrient Loads AgriculturalPractices WWTPUpgrades UrbanStormwaterRetrofits $5 - $150 per lb phos. $15 - $200 per lb phos. $3,000 - $20,000 per lb phos.
Stormwater Retrofit Costs Pond retrofits : $15-30k / impervious acre Advanced retrofits: $75-300k / impervious acre What regulators have asked: 20% 5 years Retrofit up to 20% of impervious surface in a single MS4 permit term ( 5 years ).
Some Recommendations Negotiate reasonable MS4 permits Avoid extensive urban retrofits Emphasize redevelopment- driven improvements Non-structural practices Cross-sector planning Explore opportunities for wastewater recycle & reuse Storm- water Agri- culture Waste- water