1 A NEW ERA IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION COLLABORATION IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND IATUL 2004 Krakow Ainslie Dewe Auckland University of Technology June 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

1 A NEW ERA IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION COLLABORATION IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND IATUL 2004 Krakow Ainslie Dewe Auckland University of Technology June 2004

2 Library and Information Advisory Commission (LIAC) National Library of New Zealand Act 2003 Advises Minister on library and information issues, including mātauranga Māori Promotion of collaboration Protecting, preserving and promoting access to information

Hawkins, Brian (2000)3 Collaboration Cooperative behaviour - may be informal and superficial but autonomy is retained Coordinated activity - involves greater level of mutual commitment and resource sharing Collaboration - leads to a new community through shared vision Hawkins, Brian. (2000), Libraries, knowledge management, and higher education in an electronic environment,

4 Perceived Difficulties Not invented here My campus is unique Desire for the way things used to be Loss of autonomy Change in behaviour

5 Political Climate for Collaboration Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) Facilitate collaboration and cooperation in tertiary education system Connect to businesses, communities, iwi Collaborating for Efficiency, Library Sub-group Proposed Office of Library Co-operation Facilitate practical collaborative initiatives Improve performance of tertiary/research libraries

6 CONZUL and NZVCC Council of New Zealand University Librarians and New ZealandVice-Chancellors’ Committee Big Picture report Maximise the benefit to tertiary education and research from the total investment in New Zealand university libraries through closer collaboration University libraries implement common system software as the opportunities arise Renwick, Helen. (June 2002), The Big Picture,

7 The Big Picture Maximise interoperability Facilitate collaboration Minimise maintenance of interfaces Strengthen systems staff knowledge Encourage best use Assist service to users at other universities Promote unity Improve disaster recovery

8 CONZULSys Consortium To use and develop the best enabling technologies in a pioneering collaboration which will enhance the innovative delivery of library and information resources to the New Zealand tertiary learning and research community

9 CONZULSys Consortium Information & Resource Access Management System (IRAMS) Hosted environment by a commercial vendor Move to company structure LCoNZ (Library Consortium of New Zealand) Model for other consortial activities eg. Next Generation Internet (NGI)

10 LIAC - Collaborative Journey Advises Minister for the National Library on library and information issues in New Zealand, including mātauranga Māori, and access to library and information services the role of library and information services, including mātauranga Māori, in the cultural and economic life of New Zealand any other matters requested by the Minister

11 LIAC Consultation National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa. LIANZA (Library & Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa: Te Rau Herenga o Aotearoa) Te Rōpū Whakahau (Māori Library and Information Workers Association) Museums and archives Library and information bodies Government agencies International bodies

12 Partnership and the Treaty of Waitangi Treat of Waitangi - important to New Zealand’s cultural and consititutional identity Partnership with indigenous Māori people of Aotearoa New Zealand Agreement between Māori and Crown Māori ceded governance to the Crown Guaranteed authority over their natural, physical and metaphysical resources

13 Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) Māori name for LIAC Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero Official advisors on the library and information sector Māori - foundation language (te reo) of New Zealand Ancestral language of the tangata whenua Māori television promoting and preserving te reo LIAC advising on preservation and protection of Māori knowledge (mātauranga Māori)

14 Collaboration with LIANZA LIANZA - National Information Strategy Ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to access and utilise a nation’s knowledge wealth Enhance the social, political and economic well being of the country State government position on the creation, management and use of information Set direction for government action in support of strategic goals

15 National Information Strategy Three pronged approach to knowledge Knowledge Access – Te Kete Tuätea – the infrastructure to access knowledge Knowledge Content - Te Kete Aronui – content available and accessible through information infrastructure Knowledge Equity – Te Kete Tuauri – skills needed to turn information into knowledge

16 LIANZA recommends that LIAC adopt LIANZA vision for national information strategy to help New Zealand achieve knowledge based society develop strategy further, using resources available to LIAC recommend and promote it to appropriate channels consider and action recommendations made by LIANZA’s sector groups

17 Collaboration with Museums and Archives Te Papa - Museum of New Zealand Archives New Zealand Statements of intent Plain language story of what the department is expecting to achieve, how it will go about it and how it will measure progress

18 Collaboration with the National Library Strategic areas of interest –National Library’s Digital Strategy –Ministry of Economic Development’s Digital Strategy Review –Ministry of Education’s ICT Strategy –E-learning strategies World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) WSIS Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action EPIC (Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration)

19 LIAC Vision Aotearoa – New Zealand: a leading information democracy mapping the information landscape imagining the information society informing Aotearoa New Zealand

20 Conclusion LIAC looks to a broader knowledge context Mode 1 knowledge - generated within a disciplinary, primarily cognitive, context Mode 2 knowledge - created in broader, transdisciplinary social and economic contexts Heterogeneous practitioners - collaborating on defined problems Mode 2 knowledge society - new models for social distribution of knowledge Libraries at the heart of these changes Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P., & Trow, M. (1994). The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies.