PERSECUTION: JEWS AND MUSLIMS By: Josh Goldfarb, Grace Cepeda, Patrick McAndrews
MARTIN LUTHER AGAINST THE JEWS Martin Luther urged German Princes to forcefully remove Jews. Jews weren’t welcome in Geneva. Luther published "on the Jews and their lies” both ideas were used by Nazis justified the holocaust. Luther called Jews devils and blasphemers a miserable blind and senseless people. Luther called for Jews to be kicked out of Germany & there schools, homes, and burn there writing, and there money to be confiscated.
MARTIN LUTHER… “In sum, they are the devils children, damned to hell…” Luther- because they were blamed for the spread of the plague & denying Christ & his crucifixion
JOHN CALVIN AGAINST THE JEWS “their(the Jews)rotten and unbending stiffneckness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone” John Calvin had the Jews pegged as the sons of Satan.
PERSECUTION AGAINST JEWS Catholic and protestants, including Luther, viewed Jews as heretics Jews forced to convert to Christianity or leave Spain Many Jews moved to eastern and southern Europe Jews part of the educated elite converted and stayed in Spain Some parts of Europe Jews were forced to live in the ghettos Ghettos were walled and their gates closed at a certain time each evening
PERSECUTION AGAINST MUSLIMS Catholics and protestants, including Luther, viewed Muslims as heretics. 1500: Muslim forced to convert to Christianity or leave Spain.
#1 WHAT HAPPENED? Many people including Martin Luther and John Calvin were anti-Semitic to the Jews and persecuted the Muslims.
#2 WHO WAS INVOLVED The Jews Muslims John Calvin Martin Luther
#3 HOW DOES THIS EVENT SHOW RELIGIOUS DISUNITY (CONFLICT OR PROBLEMS) IN EUROPE? It separates many Jews and Muslims from the home and makes some question their faith. Others decided to die for their religion.
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