UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Investment Policy for Attracting and Retaining Sustainable Investments Workshop Panel 1 F. Mithat Kulur Investment and Technology Unit, UNIDO
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Objectives of policy ▶ Role of policy Improve investment environment and governance Overcome market and government failures Absorb potential benefits of FDI ▶ Promoting FDI for development (keep focused) Culture of investment promotion (priorities) ▶ Quality of FDI FDI impact on competitiveness of domestic industry Policies to stimulate and foster this impact
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Importance of dialogue and advocacy ▶ Empowerment of private sector to drive policy ▶ Overcome fragmentation of institutions ▶ Feedback loop (study impact of policy on decision makers to fine tune) ▶ Importance of a listening government 3
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Analysis for targeted policy ▶ Identify FDI characteristics that yield desired impact Characteristics: motivation, sector, origin, size, level of globalization, autonomy of local subsidiary, technology, etc. Impact: increased productivity of local firms, stimulation of domestic investment, enhanced incomes and distribution; increased trade and international linkages ▶ Target investors with identified characteristics ▶ Streamline service and incentive offerings accordingly
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Investment as part of development policy ▶ Influence ability of local firms to absorb potential impact of FDI Facilitate interactions between foreign and domestic firms Develop local skills for absorbing new technologies and methods and exploiting increased opportunities for market access Facilitate access to capital ▶ Investment Promotion mainstreamed into development policy and SME support
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Policy tools - Example ▶ Survey in 19 countries ▶ On-line Monitoring Platform ▶ Domestic investment promotion ▶ Some preliminary findings Significant negative externalities (e.g. vertical spillovers in wages, output and employment are negative) Horizontal externalities in medium tech sectors positive Big differences between North and South FDI in terms of externalities Positive vertical spillovers in TFP for some sectors
UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Reducing poverty through sustainable industrial growth Thank you 7