Pre-Islamic Life Rural Life –Bedouins – Nomadic tribes Fairly violent society –Tribes & Clans –Status is from the group Urban Life –Mecca: Trade Center / Land of Haram Not as violent –Status is from wealth –No concern for poor/weak
Pre-Islamic Religion Polytheism –Many gods & goddesses –Creator god present in pantheon Not worshipped by many Animism –Spirits in the world Inhabit rocks, trees, valleys, free-flowing, etc. Judaism & Christianity known
Muhammad – The Final Prophet Muhammad – born 570 ce –Quraysh tribe / Hashim Clan –Orphaned young Raised by uncle Marries Khadijah –Excellent marriage Fatima Disturbed by Society –Upset by poverty –Moral system not adequate –Goes to meditate / pray
Night of Power 610 – Angel Gabriel visits M. while he meditates Tells M. to “recite” Foundation of the Qur’an –suras
Fundamental Beliefs Monotheistic belief –Only God is worthy of worship Polytheism gives other “beings” worship Last Judgment –Deeds in life will be judged Theocentric purpose for life –Bodily resurrection No body/soul dichotomy Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam Recitation of the Muslim act of faith –There is no God but God, and M. is his prophet Obligation of prayer –5 times a day – facing Mecca Charity –1/40 th income Fasting during Ramadan –Daylight hours Pilgrimage (Haj)
Hegria Muhammad escapes Mecca Goes to Medina to start an Islamic society Islam – submission to God Muslim – one who submits
Battle of Badr New Umma in Medina Battles with Mecca show divine support –Peace treaties with Conquered Mecca – Jan. 11, 624
Rule Under Caliphs
Practices of Islam No pork, alcohol – halal Male circumcision Polygamy acceptable/ Monogamy ideal Usury forbidden Observation of feast days Simplicity and asceticism –Rapid growth and spread of religion
Main Sects of Islam Sunni and Shi’a traditions Sufism = mystical dimension of Islam –Sheyks and disciples –Retirement in poverty –Piety and repentance Sufi Dancing
Sufi Writers Rumi –Persian poems (rhyming couplets) –Discourses on mystical experiences –Recitation and movement (dervishes)
Modern Islam Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire World War I Modern Islamic states –Variations in social expression