E-Exams - How it works
E-EXAMS - ADVANTAGES Why choose e-exams? Easy and Flexible Scheduling : choose your favourite test center around the corner decide to take the exam at the time most convenient for you Convenient System Assistance throughout the Exam: “flagging”: you can mark questions and go back to these flagged ones at the end of the exam “incomplete”: you can review the incompletely answered questions at the end of the exam “incongruence”: If you try to check too many replies for one question the systems will notify you Immediate Notification: The minute you have finished the exam you are notified whether you have passed or failed. (The detailed evaluation will be sent to you within one week after the exam).
E-EXAMS - SCHEMES ISTQB ® Certified Tester (Foundation Level) / German / English / Spanish / Russian ISTQB ® Certified Tester (Advanced Level) TM / English / Spanish ISTQB ® Certified Tester (Advanced Level) TA / English / German / Spanish ISTQB ® Certified Tester (Advanced Level) TTA / English / German / Spanish IREB ® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (FL) / German / English ISSECO Certified Professional for Secure Software Engineering / English ISEB ® Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing / German
Pearson VUE provides a full suite of services from test development to data management, and delivers exams through the world’s most comprehensive and secure network of 5000 test centers in 165 countries. Pearson VUE is a business of Pearson (NYSE: PSO; LSE: PSON), the international media company, whose businesses include the Financial Times Group, Pearson Education and the Pinguin Group. ABOUT PEARSON VUE
REGISTRATION STEPS 10 easy steps to get certified
Visit the homepage of Pearson Vue: 1. REGISTRATION STEPS
Access the menu of possible certification examinations via the “Test Taker Service” 2. REGISTRATION STEPS
Choose your category and program (i.e. IT and iSQI) 3. REGISTRATION STEPS
You have now entered iSQI’s page 4. REGISTRATION STEPS
Click on “Schedule a Test” 5. REGISTRATION STEPS
You need a web account to continue 6. REGISTRATION STEPS
After just a few clicks you have created an account and user name 7. REGISTRATION STEPS
On the next page you can see iSQI’s e-exam portfolio 8. REGISTRATION STEPS
Now you can schedule any exam at any test center and … 9. REGISTRATION STEPS
… any time convenient for you 9. REGISTRATION STEPS
Once you have selected an appointment, you can either enter the voucher code… 10 REGISTRATION STEPS
… or continue to submit your payment details REGISTRATION STEPS 10
Congratulations, you have now successfully scheduled your first e- exam! Need to re-schedule? No problem. With just two clicks you can change the time or date of your exam. The vouchers can be obtained from iSQI or its accredited training providers. Naturally you are free to schedule your exam without submitting a voucher code. REGISTRATION STEPS