Moldova ENPI FLEG Program: status of implementation Aurel Lozan ENPI FLEG, IUCN CPC Moldova Arcadii Capcelea ENPI FLEG, WB CPC Moldova
Political circumstances for FLEG process Repeated Parliamentary elections (April and July 2009 and November 2010); New Governance oriented to European Integration; New Policy reforms: (a) further economic liberalization; (b) harmonization with and European integration; (c) decentralization and strengthening local administration; (d) governance democratization (transparency and participation; Forestry Sector reforms; Integration of FLEG issues in the Government and State Forestry Agency “Moldsilva” Agenda
FLEG Office Moldova created As a unified program’s implementing body and successful cooperation between WB + IUCN and State Forestry Agency “Moldsilva”, ICAS (Institute of Forest Research and Management), NGOs with a special office located at ICAS
Division of responsibilities between WB and IUCN World Bank IUCN (a) FLEG Capacity building through training; (b) Educational programs on using GIS technologies and on digital forest mapping; (c) Pilot activities on strengthening forest management planning at the community level (a) Analytical studies; (b) Improving FLEG legislation; (c) FLEG Communication
FLEG education and training on creating and using databases and GIS World Bank contracted NGO "Silva – Mileniu III“ to: (a) develop digital forest mapping and providing trainings on forest cover change mapping (preparing a map on national forests and three maps for three forestry enterprises; and (b) provide training on using GIS technologies (for about 50 people) (Photo: Hancesti district, Forest Enterprise, 2010)
FLEG training on the application of forestry legislation for forestland owners World Bank contracted the Ecological Society "Biotica“ to conduct this activity for governmental, community and private sectors, as well as for police, prosecutors and for customs officers (for about 200 people)
Pilot activities on Community Forest Management Planning World Bank contracted NGO "Eco-Spectru“ to provide services (studies and maps) on management planning of forests managed by 3 pilot local authorities (about 5000 ha) (Photo: Working group in a degraded plot, Forest Unit Buteni, Central hills of Moldova, 2010)
Analytical studies: A. IUCN hired NGO “Silva-Mileniu III” to assess real consumption of wood, import-export tends, and to provide mitigation ways (the draft report was finished, - final version will be published in March – April, 2011) Preliminary results: - the needs for local communities in wood products are currently not met; - increased demand in wood products; - consumption of fuel wood is ca 1200 thousand m3 (=annual growth in Moldova’s forest is ca 1200 thousand of m3) !
Analytical studies: B. IUCN hired Forest Research and Management Institute (ICAS) to undertake a study of illegal logging, economic and social impact of inefficient and unsustainable forest practices (will be published by May, 2011) Preliminary results (2010-2011): - 400000 m3 is the annual authorized harvest quota in Moldsilva’s forests; - controversial / insufficient data on harvest quotas from local authorities; - ca 500000 m3 of wood are additionally consumed and originated from unidentified sources (including illegally obtained)
Improving legislation Under IUCN’s activities: Recommendations on new edition of the Forest Code and other regulatory documents (under finalization will be presented to Moldsilva in April, 2011) Regional comparative legal analysis of forest governance (Forest Code) among 7 ENPI FLEG countries and 5 CARs (Central Asian Republics). Photo: Round table with NGOs, governments (Moldsilva, Ministry of Environment), local authorities, academia, private sector on how to forestry improve legislation) Chisinau 2010
National Conference “Foresters’ Day” Participants: Interim President of the Republic of Moldova, Prime Minister, Minister of Environment, representatives of the forestry sector (forest enterprises, natural reserves, ICAS), NGOs, mass-media – strong focus on FLEG issues Photo: High state officials meet with forestry personnel on September the 17th, 2010, Chisinau, organized jointly by Moldsilva and Forest Research and Management Institute and the ENPI-FLEG Program Office in Moldova (WB, IUCN)
Coomunication activities Informative toolkits, containing various information materials (CDs and vodeo-clip; presentations, photos, publications) are being jointly created by WB and IUCN consultants and disseminated among mass-media and interested parties); TV Channels (Prime, Moldova 1, TV7) periodically reflect FLEG issues and a number of national newspapers and their websites (InfoPrimNews; Infotag, Unimedia, LogosPress, Timpul, Panorama, Moldova Suverana) presented various materials on ENPI FLEG Program
Last NPAC session Organized on October 8, 2010, to review ENPI FLEG Program for the preceding year of 2009-2010 and to discuss implementation of the “National FLEG Action Plan for the period of 2009-2011” (NAP); Presentations were made by the two CPCs WB’s local forestry consultant and ICAS’s Director. Main decisions: (a) to approve the progress reports; (b) to mention the ENPI FLEG activities and results are very important for State Forestry Agency Moldsilva as they provide important information and recommendations for decision making in the area of FLEG sector reforms; (c) ask the Program Management extension of time for completion of the current ENPI FLEG Program activities without requiring additional resources; and (c) the next NPAC meeting to be held in April-May 2011.
Building ENPI FLEG local partners network Governmental (Moldsilva and its 25 units; State Ecological Inspectorate; Ministry of Finance (member of NPAC), Ministry of Interior (member of NPAC), National Bureau of Statistics) NGOs (Forestry association “Silva-Mileniu III, Ecological Society “Biotica” [a IUCN member], Association “Eco-Spectru”, Ecological Movement of Moldova (NPAC member), and others) Community sector (largest community forests of Boghenii-Noi & Sinesti local authority (NPAC member); local governments throughout the country) Private sector (private companies dealing with wood processing) Academia (Academy of Sciences, Moldovan State University, Agrarian University of Moldova) Mass media (PARC Communications, TV channels, Radio, Antis Media Ltd (IUCN’s partner), newspapers etc.)
Visibility of the EU contribution Permanent contributions to monthly electronic bulletin “EU Co-operation News” (through PARC Communications public relations agency); The EU representative is member of the NPAC. Personall meeting of IUCN PCT with representatives of the EU Delegation in Moldova, Mr. K. Sirel (Head of the Operation Section) and Mrs. D. Kaljarikova (Project Manager for Environment, Transport and Energy, Operations Section). Participation of EU Delegation at the two recent events – a press-briefing and a public presentation of the ENPI FLEG program in Moldova; EU logo on all published materials; Provision in all communication information the EU support for the Program
Press briefing and program presentation organized by ENPI Info Centre, PARC Communications Agency, EU Delegation to Moldova and ENPI FLEG team Photos: EU Delegation in Moldova and ENPI FLEG team presenting the program and answering questions of the large public (TV, radio, students, NGOs) at the Moldovan State University on December the 7th, 2010
Video-clip under ENPI FLEG