Look at the figures below and select the one that doesn’t belong. They each are different (or don’t belong) for different reasons. School often teaches that there is only one “right” answer. If you think there is only one right answer you will quit looking as soon as you find one.
Many decisions do not have one “right” answer. We need to find the best solution for us at that time. Decision-Making Strategies Let’s look at three possible strategies you might want to use for different decisions you will make.
1.List your options as the row labels and the factors you need to consider as the column labels 2.Score each option for each factor from 0 (poor) to 5 (very good) 3.Rate the relative importance of each factor (1-5 with five being very important) (factors may have the same rating) 4.Multiply each score with the rating. This will give you weighted scores for each option/factor combination 5.Add up each weighted score for each option. The option that scores the highest wins! Grid Analysis Great tool for making a decision when there are numerous good options and many different factors to consider
Example: A windsurfer is about to replace his car. He needs one that will carry a board and sails but is also good for business travel. He has always loved convertible sports cars, but no vehicle he can find is good for all three things. Grid Analysis Great tool for making a decision when there are numerous good options and many different factors to consider Factors:CostBoardStorageComfortFunLookTotal Weights: Sports Car SUV/4x Family Car Station Wagon233301
Grid Analysis Factors:CostBoardStorageComfortFunLookTotal Weights: Sports Car SUV/4x Family Car Station Wagon Factors:CostBoardStorageComfortFunLookTotal Weights: Sports Car SUV/4x4 Family Car Station Wagon
Grid Analysis Factors:CostBoardStorageComfortFunLookTotal Weights: Sports Car SUV/4x Family Car Station Wagon Factors:CostBoardStorageComfortFunLookTotal Weights: Sports Car SUV/4x Family Car Station Wagon
1.Define the problem 2.Identify 3 alternative courses of action 3.Consider consequences of each alternative 4.Consider and identify personal values 5.Select the alternative most in line with your values 6.Select the best course of action 7.Evaluate the results 7-Step Decision-Making Process Great tool for forcing consideration of multiple options from different sides Let’s do one together. Then do one in a group of 2-3.
SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses SW OT OpportunitiesThreats Great tool for creating goals or determining training opportunities within a team Favorable Unfavorable Favorable Unfavorable Internal External Internal