Building Applications with Microsoft Access Vivien Hall CCS
Timetable Tue : :00 Workshop 1 Tue : :00 Workshop 2 Tue : :00 Workshop 3 Tue : :00 Workshop 4 Break about 15:30 15:45
Aims Build a simple database Introduce database concepts NOT ‘how to use a database’
About the workshop Self paced with help from tutors Case study to build a simple database Material in 3 parts, split to cover a logical group of tasks rather than equal time on each part
Workshop Material Doc Part (1) Introduction to Access Doc Part (2) More Access Doc Part(3) Designing the User Interface.
Document 5.69 Introduction to Access Probably complete during 1st session Simple database - list of names & addresses Form to enter data Report to list the data Query to find required data
Document 5.70 More Access Probably start in first session & complete in 2nd/3rd. Add more objects to the database Join tables Mail Merge Example More advanced - Add a new requirement
Document 5.83 User Interface Probably start in 3rd session and complete in 4th. Additional exercise for fast workers Make the database easier for users Macros Event procedures
What is a database? Collection of structured data Need to do system analysis before building a database More complex than designing a document
Business analysis Why are you doing it? Does anything similar exist? Does it fit College’s Communication, Information and Learning Strategy?Communication, Information and Learning Strategy
Logical Design Analyse data structure How much data? How robust - can you work when it fails? How secure? - Data Protection Act?
Physical Design How will you store it? Spreadsheet? Database? Local database? College MIS system? Alternatives to using Access?
Mail shots Simple list of names & addresses Could use a Word Data source
Tables of numeric data Consider Excel for charts & calculations
Bibliographic data Specialist packages e.g Endnote
Databases for Birkbeck Staff Room booking system (web based) CHAOS - Corporate Higher Education Administrative On-line Support System
Build Workshop is about building a database The analysis has been done for you Learn technical skills of using Access
Basics Analyse the requirement (data structures) Build the foundation (tables) Add more features
Hints Read the background material Do exercises in the order that they come If you are short of time skip mailmerge in Doc 5.70