YOGA CALM ACTIVITY Mindful Moment Cards Breathing Ball Chair Yoga
YOGA Yoga is a practice – one done by Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, pagans, atheists – anyone! Yoga is not a religion. –To say yoga is a religion is like saying school choir singing is a religion. Globally, many organizations have incorporated yoga – health clubs, businesses, churches, physical therapy offices, hospitals, schools and more million Americans in practice. Hundreds of schools adopting yoga into curricula.
Yoga is a Comprehensive Approach to Wellness Breathing Exercise Relaxation Positive Thinking/Mindfulness Lifestyle
Why Yoga for Children? Nearly one in three U.S. high school students fail to graduate with a diploma. Approximately 1.2 million students drop out each year. –One student every 26 seconds. The majority of employers and college professors say today’s high school graduates do not have the skills needed to succeed.
The Need For Balanced Education Physical Social Skills/Emotional SupportAcademics
The Need For Balanced Education Physical Social Skills/Emotional SupportAcademics
Top 10 Skills Desired by Fortune 500 Companies Teamwork Problem-solving skills Interpersonal skills Oral communication Listening Personal & Career Development Creative Thinking Leadership Goal setting & motivation Writing
What is Yoga Calm? Integrated approach to physical, mental, and emotional health. Complete system with physical yoga, social/emotional skill development, mindfulness, story telling, and counseling activities. Guided by wellness principles. Over 60 activities and lesson plans. Can be taught anywhere by anyone.
What is Yoga Calm?
Why Yoga Calm? Child’s Emotional Needs Child’s Mental Needs Child’s Physical Needs YOGA CALM
YOGA CALM ACTIVITY Roots Tree Tree Challenge Tree Circle
Guided By Wellness Principles Stillness Quieting the mind and body. Self-awareness. Sensitivity. Self-control and self- regulation.
Guided By Wellness Principles Listening What the heart, mind and body have to say. Developing self-understanding, discrimination, self-regulation, and imagination. Reduces the chance of injury and self-destructive behavior.
Guided By Wellness Principles Grounding Physically connecting to the earth. Being physically present in the body. Developing a sense of competence, physical safety, and security. Balance and other healthy sensory-motor functions: building blocks for academic, behavioral and emotional growth.
Guided By Wellness Principles Strength Physical: helps prevent injury and disease and develops capability, confidence, and self-esteem. Mental: teaches positive self-talk, respecting boundaries, and monitoring the things taken into the mind and body. Emotional: ability to feel, identify, and express feelings without harming oneself or others.
Guided By Wellness Principles Community Nurtures the ability to give and receive support. Develops compassion, communication and cooperative skills.
YOGA CALM ACTIVITY Communication Game Guided Relaxation
The End Zone Academy (EZA) equips teens with the life skills they need to become successful members of society through interactive lessons, activities, play, music, yoga, and community service. End Zone Academy is unique. Here are some general terms that illustrate EZA : Life Coaches for pre-teens/teens Interactive Group Counseling Therapeutic Exercise- Strong Hearts, Minds, & Bodies Teaching/learning through play, music, & community service
The heart of our program: Life Skills Classes Yoga Calm Classes Life Skills Camps (Summer, Spring Break, and School Closure Days) Yoga Calm Camps (Summer, Spring Break, and School Closure Days) Extras: Birthday Parties Parent Consulting Tutoring Workshops Pre-teen/Teen Hang-outs
Research Support for School Yoga Ability to relax (Angus, 1989) Decreased resting heart rate (Narendran, Raghuraj, Nagarathna, 1997) Concentration skills (Hopkins, 1979) Increased attention span (Zipkin, 1985) Discipline (Slovacek, Tucker, Pantoja, 2003) Increased self-esteem (Slovacek, Tucker, Pantoja, 2003) Increased body / self image satisfaction (Clance, Mitchell, Engleman, 1980) Academics (Benson, Wilcher, Greenberg, Huggins, Ennis, Zuttermeister, 2000; Zipkin, 1985) Mental and emotional health (Slovacek, Tucker, Pantoja, 2003) Improvement in Static Motor Performance (Telles, S., Hanumanthaiah, B., Nagarathna, R. and Nagendra, H.R., 1993) Improvement in hyperactivity/impulsiveness (Jensen & Kenny, 2004)