THE HORIZON PARTY PLATFORM Party Members: Karley Rieber, Erin Smith, Bryan Weber, Sam Zucker, Audrey Zelli, Monica Huber, Sam Holland, Josh Park, Mackenzie Shaounessy, Matt Thompson
IMMIGRATION The requirements for immigrating into the US need to be loosened. More guards should be placed along the borders. More surveillance cameras should be set up on the boarders. Each individual state should be given the right to arrest and deport illegal immigrants.
EDUCATION Early childhood education (preschool) is not mandatory but is encouraged to attend and should be added into the public school system. Citizens that have children in school should pay higher taxes, while the citizens without children should pay less. Schools/ teachers should not be evaluated on student’s standardized test scores but instead by average grades of the students and impartial observations. Teacher tenures should require 7 years of satisfactory results
ENERGY SOURCES To encourage more fuel efficient cars, the government will give tax incentives to the companies using alternative energy for transportation, like Tesla. This will lower the price of electric cars and sales will increase. Locate and extract oil in America, and as a result cut out a majority of foreign oil purchases. We will invest more federal money into wind power and solar power We will create a balanced energy policy incentive for energy conservation in our homes, offices, factories, and infrastructure, so we can save money and help rebuild our communities. We will also work to preserve our natural habitat.
NATIONAL DEBT Cut interest payments Pro: Lower interest rates more likely for consumers to spend businesses make more money allows businesses to expand and hire new workers Increase economic activity Pro: More money can be printed Eliminate surveillance programs Pro: Increase of trust in government Decrease military spending Eliminate programs such as ATF and DEA
HEALTH CARE SYSTEM We do not support a nationalized health care system right now because we cannot afford it.
REGULATION OF BUSINESS AND COMMERCE The government should offer tax incentives to individual farmers who grow and sell crops within their home state. To balance the lost tax revenue, corporations who sell products that are not necessities should be subject to higher taxes. The government should continue with the current standards for environmental protection with regards to air and water pollution by companies. The government should subsidize wages for companies who move factories from developing nations to the United States. This would help offset the “out-of-pocket” cost to the corporation for paying an American worker’s wage, rather than the wage of a Chinese or Indonesian factory worker, for example.
ECONOMIC AND MORTGAGE CRISIS There should be no government bailout programs for banks, car companies, and states. To create jobs we believe that we should create large scale job programs similar to the ones we started during the Great Depression We do not believe the government should help people if their homes are being foreclosed. We do believe that in times of economic recession the government should lower mortgage rates but when the economy is prospering again the rates should go back up.
ABORTION We believe in pro-choice stance on abortion when it is in the first trimester and for a rape victim or pregnant mother in danger. Any abortion should take place during the first trimester. A fetus cannot exist independent of its mother during the first trimester and is not considered a separate entity. Therefore the fetus cannot feel any pain and abortion during this time is not considered murder. By allowing rape victims to have the option of having an abortion it can help minimize psychological harm.
GAY RIGHTS When children are involved, it is much easier to have “dual-custody” over a child In a gay marriage, if one spouse passes away, the custody of that child would automatically be transferred to the other parent, rather than having to worry about adopting the child Property would automatically be assumed as co-owned Same sex couples would be able to receive the numerous marriage benefits from the government Our party believes that the definition of marriage should be changed to the union between two individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, and that gay marriage should be made legal at a national level.
GUN CONTROL Use FBI NICS system Prevents felons, illegal aliens, and mentally ill from obtaining firearms Requires Gun License for all firearm purchases Paperwork must be filled out for gun show purchases, FFLs required Has stopped over 700,000 guns from falling into the wrong hands If expanded to all states, it could be highly effective Firearm registry makes tracking down criminals easier Pros Stops criminals from getting guns legally Closes gun show loophole Makes it easier to track down criminals