ЗАО НПК ФЕРРИТ-КВАЗАР Boris V. Gorobets General Director Phone: (812) (812) Fax: (812) Postal Address : Development & Manufacturing Co "Ferrite-Quasar" 8, Chernigovskaya st St. Petersburg, Russia Marketing Department: Phone: (812) Fax: (812) CONTACT INFORMATION
1Microstrip Isolators & Circulators 2Drop-in Isolators & Circulators 3Iso-components 4Coaxial Circulators & Isolators 5Waveguide Isolators and Circulators Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" located in St. Petersburg, Russia. Company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high-precision passive ferrite microwave components for communication systems and scientific research. Our catalog lists a ferrite devices: PRODUCTS
PRODUCTS 1. MICROSTRIP ISOLATORS & CIRCULATORS Our catalog lists a ferrite Microstrip devices for frequency range from 30 MHz up to 100 GHz.
PRODUCTS – Microstrip Isolators & Circulators The devices should be mounted on the magnetic carrier or non magnetic carrier. Metal Carrier Type Isolators & Circulators are available also. These devices are used for radio and telecommunications equipment.
PRODUCTS – Microstrip Isolators & Circulators We produce standard High-power carrier type Isolators and Circulators. Custom design are available upon request.
PRODUCTS – Microstrip Isolators & Circulators Electrical parameters perform at standard operating temperature range. Specifications under normal climatic conditions and the dimensions of devices can be found on our website. Lumped Element Isolators & Circulators Broadband Isolators & Circulators
PRODUCTS 2. DROP-IN ISOLATORS & CIRCULATORS Microwave Devices offers a wide range of drop-in circulators, designed specifically for use with stripline and microstrip circuits. Many of our standard models are shown in the site of our company. Custom units can also be provided. Drop-In Isolators Drop-in Circulators
PRODUCTS 3. ISO-COMPONENTS Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" produce Iso-components: Isoductors, Isohybrides and Iso-adapters. ISODUCTORISOHYBRIDE ISO-ADAPTER
PRODUCTS 4. COAXIAL CIRCULATORS & ISOLATORS Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" produce Coaxial Circulators and Isolators. Our staff has more than 20 years experience in development of ferrite devices. We produce standard design components as well as special devices in according with customers specifications.
PRODUCTS – Coaxial Circulators & Isolators Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" produce Medium and High Power Coaxial Circulators and Isolators. Air or water Cooling required on all High Power devices. Medium Power Circulators and Isolators (150÷800 W) High Power Circulators and Isolators
PRODUCTS Isolators & Circulators for General Use Cryogenic (4° to 77° K) Isolators and Circulators Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" introduces Waveguide Isolators and Circulators low and medium power. Also, we ntroduce Miniature Isolators. Miniature Isolators 5. WAVEGUIDE ISOLATORS & CIRCULATORS
PRODUCTS – Waveguide Isolators and Circulators Development & Manufacturing Co "FERRITE-QUASAR" produce standard design components as well as special devices in according with customers specifications. Our staff has more than 20 years experience in development of ferrite devices. We maintain a high-quality control system. Our commercial ferrite devices go through stringent quality control as military ones. We will be happy to respond to your needs. If you have any special interest on any ferrite devices even not covered our catalog, or need more information, please contact with us. Please see our website or us with any questions you may have. 4-port Isolators and Circulators