SNRAS-AFES / CES Operations Budget FISCAL YEAR 2011 April 2010
Operations Budget FISCAL YEAR 2011
General Budget Information FY 2011 Budget Process FY 2011 Timeline Overview/Instructions (Parts) Question and Answer Session
REGENTS’ POLICY PART V – FINANCE AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Chapter Budget Development and Maintenance P Budget Policy. B. “All administrative units within the university system shall operate strictly within the fiscal limits established by their respective annually adopted budgets and approved amendments, in accordance with procedure established by the chief finance officer.” F. “Deficit spending, that is, action designed to create or resulting in the creation of a fiscal position where actual expenditures are in excess of available revenues, is prohibited by any administrative unit.” P Deficit Spending and Professional Responsibility. Deficit spending or other violation of this section by persons with budget control constitutes just cause for termination or such other disciplinary action as determined appropriate by the president.
Legislative Appropriations Budgets (Personnel, Capital and Operational Support) Tuition & Fees, Grants (Federal Formula, Earmarks & Direct) and Other Revenues Budget (Personnel and Operations Support)
1. Legislative appropriations for UA and distributed to MAU’s and further to units (SNRAS-AFES/CES) within each MAU. 2. Operations Budget which is based on projected revenues is broken for our purposes into the following categories. Personnel Travel Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Other
1. Legislative Appropriations $ General Funds $ Capital Improvement Funds 2. Tuition & Fees & Indirect Costs Recovery $ Tuition & Fees $ Indirect Costs Recovery 3. Grants, Contracts, and Other Income $ Federal Programs (Formula, Earmarks & Direct) $ Contracts and Local Grants (State & Local Govt.) $ Gifts and Contributions (Endowment, Donors, etc.) $ Others (Dept. Sales,Program Income, Rental, etc.)
A financial plan (tool) on how to allocate an organization’s resources based on its strategic priorities. A budget is a mechanism to assist managers in earmarking resources to be used in accomplishing goals and objectives.
Is it consistent with the goals and objectives of the organization? (Unit Priorities/goals and objectives) Does it reflect goal setting and facilitate accurate measurement? (Short/Long Term) Does it indicate careful planning and follow strategies to achieve objectives? Does it delineate operating plans for all important functions? Does it give the various components of the organization the resources needed to meet goals and objectives? Is the budget realistic, accurate, and internally consistent? Does it plan for the best achievable results?
Committee Composition: Unit Dean or Vice-Provost Executive Officer Associate Deans, Asst. Director & Program/Department Chairs Responsibilities: Establish Unit Priorities for FY 2011 Review budget submissions, conduct hearings and recommend budgets Basis for Unit Priorities 1. Strategic Master Plan / Unit Strategic Plans / Annual Unit Plans 2. SNRAS-CES Joint Plan of Work
1. Budget Call ( Unit Priorities Established ( Instructions for Preparing the Budget ( Timetable for Submission of Requests ( Contact information of staff who can provide assistance 2. Budget Workshop 3. Department Budget Preparations 4. Compilation of Submissions 5. Budget Committee - review, revise, and recommend 6. Budget Hearings (as warranted or requested) 7. Budget Committee Final Recommendation to Dean or Vice-Provost 8. Approved Budget distributed to Departments
1. Recommendations for Unit Priorities (UP’s) for FY11 are reviewed and established – 03/31/ Budget call memo is distributed – 04/1/ Budget workshops held - April, Department budgets are prepared – 4/ /30, Department budgets submitted to Executive Officer - 04/30/ Budget submissions compiled for Budget Committee - 04/30 – 5/21, Budget Committee reviews & budget hearings – 5/27-28, Budget Committee recommendations submitted to Dean or Vice-provost – 06/07/ Departmental Budgets finalized and distributed – June 2010
Department Description Responsibilities Programs Statistics Other Helpful Information
Detailed information and justification supporting requests under budget categories: Personnel (1001) Travel (2001) Contractual Services (3001) Supplies (4001) Equipment (5001)
Travel (2001) Administrative Travel (In-state) 1 pax - 2 trips x $250/Roundtrip (Airfare) 1 pax - 2 days x 2 trips x $100/day (Per diem) 1 pax - 2 trips x 2 days x $60/day (Ground Transportation) Associate Dean will conduct site-visits to Achorage twice a year to assess program needs.
Supplies (3001) Office Supplies 3cs Copier $35/case 1cs Colored $45/case General Office Supplies (staples, glue, pens, pencils, and tapes) $500 These supplies are needed for fliers, brochures, publications, photocopying, reporting, etc. for program activities.
Ask yourselves some budget planning questions. Part I – Describe, promote, your department. Part II – S/link with Unit Priorities. Part II – Itemized expenses, clear justifications. Seek assistance if needed.
Questions/Assistance: Raaj Kurapati - Executive Officer CES/SNRAS-AFES - Ext – CES Fiscal Officer - Cathy Birklid, Ext – SNRAS/AFES Fiscal Officer - Jason Theis, Ext –