Presentation prepared by: Mifaaz Ahamed C/85,hurehela, Hapugastalawa, Contact- Tel:(+94)
Subjects Computer Fundamentals(CF) ( 20 HOURS) Introduction to Programming (Programme) ( 12HOURS) Introduction to computer networking(ICN) ( 16 HOURS) System Software And Application Software(SSAS) ( 20 HOURS) Data Bass and web designing(WEB) ( 16 HOURS) Introduction to database Management Systems(DBMS) ( 16 HOURS)
Principal e Of computer Architecture Computer arithmetic And data representation Boolean algebra and logical gates Operating system concepts Introduction to C programming Evaluation: Written Examination(2 Hours)
BBasic concepts of data communication NNetwork devices & Addressing BBasic s of plan and Design of local area network IInstalling And configuring TCP/IP for LANs and TRSHT IInternet & Evaluation: written Examination(2 hours)
CConfigure And use visual studio.NET PProgram with WWindows-based applications Evaluation: online practical exam(1.5 hours)
MMicrosoft windows 7 LLinux MMicrosoft word MMicrosoft power point MMicrosoft Excel Evaluation: online practical exam for word/excel/ PP(2 hour )
₰W₰W eb 2.0 And beyond ₰I₰I ntroduction to client-sever Architecture ₰P₰P rinciples of web design ₰H₰H tml syntax and techniques ₰F₰F ormatting Control using CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) ₰R₰R AD(Rapid Application Development) in programming using c#
₪C₪C onceptual and logical database design ₪Q₪Q uery language(DML and DDL) ₪B₪B asic SQL queries ₪A₪A dvanced SQL queries Evaluation: 05 and 06 (2 Hour) final project presentation
COURSE DETAILS: Duration-100 Hours Fee-2500/= (Fee can be paid in 04 installments as Rs Rs Rs 6000+Rs 6500)
Contact: Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology. Mahinda Rajapaksha ICT Building No: 76, Peradeniya Road, Gatambe, Kandy phone: /