Joint PPI Network Meeting Swansea - 10 October 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint PPI Network Meeting Swansea - 10 October 2012


Public Sector Equality Duty A listed body General Duty Specific duty

setting equality objectives making / revising a Strategic Equality Plan identifying how an authority’s work / activities may contribute to meeting the general duty assessing the likely impact on protected groups of any policies or practices being proposed / revised When to engage?

What is engagement? A listed body in Wales must: involve people who it considers representative of one or more of the protected groups and who have an interest in how an authority carries out its functions.

What is engagement? A listed body in Wales may: consult and involve other people it considers appropriate Authority must consider need to involve or consult people from one or more of the protected groups with interest in its functions, where it is reasonably practicable to do so.

Equality Act 2010: Equality Act Guidance : guidance/equality-act-guidance-downloads / Wales Specific Duties Regulations: Non Statutory Guidance for Wales: duty-for-the-welsh-public-sector Guidance for the voluntary sector: _forward_your_priorities_with_others.doc Useful Links