Height Weight Chart Is BMI Reliable as a measure of Obesity By Michael Goodman -
Height Weight Chart - Features The Height Weight Chart is a term that many people search for online. Most who search for the Height Weight Chart are interested to find out if they are in a healthy weight range in terms of their Body Mass Index or BMI.
The Height Weight Chart
Current thinking about Height Weight Chart As we have seen in the previous slide the Height Weight Chart is a simple tool that looks at a broad set of parameters relating to high and weight. BMI however is a measure that factors in human body size and shape calculated by mass and height BMI
Is BMI Healthy The BMI measure is not without is’t critics, in several cases subjects who have gone on to develop fatty liver disease had a BMI within an acceptable range and were NOT considered to be obese. In our study group these individuals we tall men who had a waist circumference near 40 inches
Current trends in weight management
Has the height weight chart let us down? Historically tools like BMI and the height weight chart, were sufficient to determine likelihood of people developing serious diseased relating to obesity. A number of factors over the course of the last 4 decades have meant that men and women in the western world tend to carry much more FAT around their abdominal region.
Healthy weight chart In order to address the confusion of BMI accuracy and the obvious anomalies. Many practitioners have now decided to look at a much broader set of physical parameters and in particular ‘abdominal fat stores’. The ‘healthy weight chart’ is a guideline system that aims to gear the measure of obesity towards total body fat percentage.
Healthy weight range For the benefit of the patient’s own health, it is being advised that we make individuals aware that carrying excess fat around the abdomen is dangerous for long term health. We can issue better guidance using the healthy weight range methods described in the website at weight-chart/ weight-chart/
Obesity and healthy weight Individuals that do carry excess fat deposits in this critical area of the body tend to have health markers relating to several key disease risk indicators. High Cholesterol Increased Blood Pressure diminished liver function
Height weight chart roadmap By using the more favoured method of calculating body fat %, we can help make patients aware of the potential problems they may can avoid if they are able to shed fat. Use the tools and this paper as a point of discussion within your own practices and I hope that this presentation has provided you with some useful research tools to use.
Discussion & Conclusions So am I Fat? Is a fat abdomen dangerous to my health How can I measure Body Fat What are safe levels of body fat for men and women? HOW CAN I LOSE BODY FAT??