Let’s Tour Washington D.C. Making Sure A Student Has Resources
Author: Pennie Reese Perkins County Elementary Grant, Nebraska
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Choosing a Search Site Overview: *Through online observations students record and compare the features of four children’s search sites. *Create a keynote presentation. Objectives: * Identify children’s search sites * Compare and contrast features of specific search sites * Research a special monument, place, or thing in the community of Washington D.C. * Navigate his/her way around a site * Create a Keynote presentation * Present presentation as a tour
Prior Knowledge * How to navigate Keynote * Basic computer knowledge * Washington D.C. Community
Resources * Computers * Internet access * Keynote * Empty CDs * Sites bookmarked on computers: *Worksheet: This worksheet is from The CyberSmart Education Company. Copy & paste this URL address: US:official&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&hs=WyC&rls=org.mozilla:en- US%3Aofficial&source=hp&q=cyber+smart!+education+company+choosing+a+search+site&pbx=1&oq=cyber+smart!+edu cation+company+choosing+a+search+site&aq=f&aqi=q- w1&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=155973l165010l0l165517l23l23l0l0l0l0l356l5555l l23l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb &fp= fc13277f&biw=1024&bih=544www.yahoo.comwww.kidsclick.orgwww.askkids.comwww.factmonster.comwww.awesomelibrary.org
Activities and Procedures 1. Hand out worksheet: Choosing a Search Site 2. As a whole group research one of the search sites using the worksheet. 3. Put in groups of 2 and have them research another site. 4. Come together and have each group share the site they researched. Allow class time to search the other sites their classmates presented. 5. Choose a monument, place or thing to research in Washington D.C. 6. Locate everyones project on a Washington D.C. map. 7. Pick out at least 5 important facts. 8. Start a new Keynote presentation. 9. Add a title page. 10. Put one fact on a page. 11. Add a picture to each page. 12. Have them take their own picture, with Photo Booth, and add to the last page with their name. 13. Add a transition to each page. 14. Add music. 15. Burn a DVD
Tying It Altogether Invite in family, friends and administration for a tour of Washington D.C.
The next slide is a student project that was created using these guidelines.