President Obama and Terrorism
January 2009
Which Bush policies would you revise or eliminate? Domestic: Fighting terrorism in the US Iraq: Fighting terrorism in Iraq Afghanistan: Fighting terrorism in Iraq Prisoners: How should they be treated? Task Four topics (1 per student in group) Read your assigned source Present a summary to your group 1 minute Together complete the closure and guide sheet
How do we remove our troops from both?
Us withdraw date and Obama voting Record 2001= =US in Afghanistan 2003=US in Iraq Dec 2003 (Hussein captured) 2004=US study suggests no weapons in Iraq 2009 President Obama as President
2007 Surge With Hussein dead and Bin Laden on the loose somewhere in Afghanistan, should the US send more troops to Iraq? How would you vote? YayNo VoteNo How will your vote be perceived?
Clips Senator Obama on Surge Brian Baird Fox Warning Obama
Complete Readings and Prepare to Present
Iraq Sources Individual Report 1 Minute
Afghanistan Sources Individual Report 1 Minute
Spying and Domestic Sources Individual Report 1 Minute
Guantanamo Bay Individual Report 1 Minute
Closure How did President Bush and President Obama differ? How are both caught in a position where there are no clear cut solutions that will work and satisfy everyone? Which issue do you think was the biggest for President Obama in the Winter of 2015?
U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement Signed November 17, President Obama as President
February 27, 2009 Speech at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, President Obama laid out his plan for responsibly ending the war in Iraq, which will end the combat mission by August ly-Ending-the-War-in-Iraq-February
Afghanistan More use of special forces in comparison to Iraq Increase to U.S. troop levels of 17,000 December 1, 2009 additional 30,000 military February 2013 Obama said the U.S. military would reduce the troop level in Afghanistan from 68,000 to 34,000 US troops by February 2014 Special Forces Profiles From the Front Line (Episode 5)
Guantanamo Bay Sources Obama Closing Heckling Signing Law Being Criticized
Final Closure After watching the clips did your opinion change?