Module 2 Deploying SharePoint Portal Server 2003
Module Overview Server Requirements Client Requirements Deployment Size Scenarios Architecture URL Namespaces Post Install Tasks
SharePoint Portal Server/Windows SharePoint Services Minimum Requirements Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Any Edition Intel Pentium III–compatible processor. 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM). 550 MB free hard disk space. NTFS
Windows SharePoint Services/SharePoint Portal Server Additional Service Requirements Microsoft ASP.NET Enabled network COM+ access Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) with the following components: Common Files Internet Information Services Manager World Wide Web Service
SQL Servers SQL Server Purpose Stores all user data – docs, lists, webs, permissions, etc. Stores all config data and web structure Recommendations SP3 current minimums NT Authentication strongly recommended 4-10 content DB’s / server: eases management Pre-allocate database size in SQL Server for performance Use SQL failover options for highest availability SQL DB Web Server
Windows SharePoint Services/SharePoint Portal Server Infrastructure Considerations Servers must be members of same domain (except for single server installs which support local accounts) All servers in farm must be the same language version of OS and SQL Server 2000 Should not install with SharePoint Portal Server ’s version of MSDE on DC’s Windows SharePoint Services/SharePoint Portal Server supports multiple languages Each server in your server farm must include the regional language options to support the languages of all portal sites on that server All portal sites on the server farm must use the same language. However, other sites, such as SharePoint sites, can use different languages
Client Requirements Hardware Requirements Intel Pentium III–compatible 500 Mhz processor 64 MB of RAM 50 MB hard disk space on Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0; 30 MB disk space on Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Supported Operating Systems Windows 9X and up Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X Supported Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, plus the latest service pack Internet Explorer 5.5, plus the latest service pack Internet Explorer 6.0, plus the latest service pack Netscape Navigator 6.2 or later (for Windows, Mac or Unix) Internet Explorer 5.2 for Mac OS X, plus the latest service pack The disk can be formatted as NTFS, FAT, or FAT32.
Scalable Service Components of SharePoint Portal Server There are a total of five major service components SharePoint Portal Server relies on: Windows SharePoint Services Service Components Web server Database server SharePoint Portal Server Service Components Search server Index server Job server All of these services may be distributed across many servers to achieve scalability
Scale-out Decision Points Throughput and availability are the 2 competing decision points Small to medium org ( < 10,000 users) Single Server or Small Farm deployments are sufficient Throughput generally not an issue Large org (10s of thousands of users) Throughput will require Small Farm or Medium Farm (3-5 servers) Largest orgs (100s of thousands of users) Throughput will require large farm (10-20 servers), or multiple farms Share Services may also be appropriate Business structure may require shared services for SharePoint Portal Server Custom web parts can significantly change CPU/memory requirements
Single Server Deployments All Windows SharePoint Services components on a single box Best for work group or business unit Two types: Use SQL Server 2000 (a.k.a.“Single Server”) MSDE (a.k.a. “Stand-alone”)
Server Farm Deployment Size Types Small Server Farm Medium Server Farm Large Server Farm Shared Service Deployments
Server Farm Deployments Configuration: One or more Web servers One or more SQL servers. Load balancer, server HTML transformation on separate server Max 10,000 sites /SQL server 50,000 sites per web farm 15 Portals per farm Management considerations: Self-Service Site Creation Use confirmation Storage quotas Add anti-virus software to Web boxes
Portal Components Physical server Virtual Servers Used to host admin, portal, and team sites Site Collections many per vserver e.g. Sites (a.k.a. subwebs) many per site collection e.g. Logical
Virtual Servers IIS’ virtual server is the same as a SharePoint virtual server Granular control for sites Allows process isolation via application pools Top hosting element for site hierarchy IIS Admin vserver End-user vserver Site Collection Site IIS Configuration Windows SharePoint Services Configuration Portal Site
Managed Paths Main functions Define which URL namespaces that are managed by Windows SharePoint Services (eg. Define paths used during self-service site creation (eg. Restrict creation to Excluded paths – Windows SharePoint Services leaves alone (code cannot ref. Windows SharePoint Services) Included paths – Windows SharePoint Services manages Explicit inclusion: only include the specific path set Wildcard inclusion: eg. indicates all sites below usersites is managed by Windows SharePoint Services Administrative options SharePoint Portal Server Central Administration HTML interface Command line (eg. stsadm -o addpath -url -type wildcardinclusion )
Application Pools Three application pools will be created by default: 1. DefaultWebSiteSPApp 2. CentralAdminAppPool 3. MSSharePointPortalAppPool Application pools are used for process isolation and are associated to the virtual servers hosting Windows SharePoint Services/SharePoint Portal Server Administrators have full control over how to allocate and configure application pools
URL Namespaces Domain named sites One per virtual server Corresponds to IP:PORT mapping Folder named sites Many per virtual server Corresponds to URL path Starts at a domain named site Domain can be hosted by different servers Two URLs in the same domain cannot point to same site Can provide redirection Can host separate virtual server to resolve site
Mapping URL’s to Content Lookup by server-relative site URL and can work Two different virtual servers can serve same content Lookup cached on web server Everything is stored in SQL databases Web Server Server: ITG_STS_1 Database: STS_01 Config DB List Content Virtual Server
Pre-Installation Checklist SharePoint portal and SharePoint site service accounts created with necessary permissions Appropriate install method must chosen SQL Server 2000 authentication mode configured and permissions granted to appropriate portal service account
Service Accounts Used by Windows SharePoint Services/SharePoint Portal Server Install-time defined accounts: Configuration database administration account Application pool account for virtual servers Portal site application pool identity Default content access account Post-Install defined accounts: Override account for crawling User profile import account Single sign-on service account Audience calculation job account
SharePoint Portal Configuration Configure indexing service account information and application pool identity Configure SQL Server 2000 connection settings Configure indexing service connection information including account and proxy settings Configure portal components Web – provides http rendering services Index server – acts as indexing server to update content indexes and crawl for new content Search – acts a server receiving and effectuating search requests using the indexes built by the Index server Job – Handles all scheduled jobs and administrative change requests to the portal Create the SharePoint portal site Creates the top level portal site which will be used as the jumping point from which to access all content in the organization More portals can be created as required
Lab 3 Key Points Install SharePoint Portal Server Configure Server Farm Account Specify Configuration Database Settings Configure server topology Create SharePoint portal site Install an IFilter for Adobe pdf documents
Lab 3: Software Installation (20 minutes) Reminders Logon = administrator Password = Password! Domain = contoso.msft