CAPITALIZED NAME | GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAM CAPITALIZED NAME | GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAM DUKE INSTITUTION INJURY DISPROPORTIONALLY AFFECTS LMIC METHODOLOGY Rearrange sections as needed. Do not be wordy – keep in mind the audiences attention span. Develop a TBI registry to gauge the current state of TBI care and patient outcomes, to guide CPG development. Conduct a systematic review of international TBI acute management guidelines will be conducted. Use a local expert panel to contextualize international guidelines to create resource and site appropriate CPGs. The impact of these CPGs will be assessed through TBI registry data and provider surveys. CONCLUSIONS In form of bullets or as a paragraph Build institutional capacity at CHUK and KCMC to foster CPG development to improve emergency care quality Reduce TBI mortality by 20% Improve TBI morbidity PROJECT OBJECTIVES Keep it short and to the point This is not a paper Remember you’ll be standing next to your poster explaining the context No more than four objectives Project summary: 1-2 sentences summarizing the purpose, process, and conclusions of the project. Being succinct and clear is in your favor – think of this section as your elevator pitch. Town, Country Second town, If needed Global Health Showcase 2014 Poster Guidelines Thanks to our partners at KCMC and CHUK, Dr. Chuck Gerardo, Dr. Nathan Thielman, and Duke Emergency Medicine. LMIC LACK APPROPRIATE RESOURCES TO REDUCE MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY DUE TO TBI AND OTHER INJURIES INCLUDE AT LEAST TWO PHOTOS AND ONE VISUAL AID, LIKE A GRAPH, SKETCH, TABLE, ETC.
This project sought to understand the explanatory models and pluralistic treatment options for malaria in Farendé, a rural Togolese village with a high level of utilization of traditional herbal healing alongside biomedical clinics. Data was gathered through conducting semi-structured interviews with traditional healers and clinical practitioners, and through holding focus group discussions with community members. LEARNING ABOUT LOCAL HERBAL HEALING WITH KÉRÉKOU, HERBAL AND SPIRITUAL TRADITIONAL HEALER. Methodology The project administered one hour long semi-structured interviews to eight traditional healers and four clinical practitioners. Four focus group interviews were held with local community members. The culmination of the project was a collaborative meeting with 14 traditional healers and 7 clinical practitioners from the local district; designed and implemented with two Duke students in a neighboring village. Conclusions Malaria is categorized as “yellow” or “white,” corresponding respectively with symptoms of jaundice or anemia. Traditional herbal healing is present formally, through recognized healers, and informally, through self-treatment. Treatment-seeking behavior is motivated primarily by cost, and traditional healing is typically sought before attending the clinic. Herbal remedies are present in profusion and great variation; most common species used for malaria include Eucalyptus grandis, Khaya senegalensis, members of the Euphorbia genus, and members of the Citrus genus. Objectives Understand local categorizations of malaria Explore traditional herbal healing for malaria Understand community members’ health care utilization patterns Investigate current and investigate potential future interactions between biomedical and traditional healing systems TRADITIONAL HERBAL REMEDY FOR MALARIA. MEMBERS OF THE WOMEN’S FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION IN FARENDÉ Farendé, Togo Explanatory Disease Models and Medical Pluralism in Rural Togo: Focus on Malaria Acknowledgements:: This project would not be possible without support from: Dr. Charles Piot, PhD, The Aalok Modi Family, DGHI and the community of Kuwde, Togo. KATHLEEN RIDGEWAY | PROGRAM II IN GLOBAL HEALTH DUKE GLOBAL HEALTH INSTITUTE