Keep It Simple, Church
Our complex mission statement We are sent to bring people to vibrant faith and mature character in the Lord Jesus Christ So that they will do His works on this earth and teach others to do the same
Keep It Simple, Church The Mission of God in Two Words: 1.Evangelism 2.Discipleship
The evangelism part: We are sent to bring people to vibrant faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
The Discipleship Part: We are sent... to bring people to mature character in the Lord Jesus Christ So that – (destiny) they will do His works on this earth and teach others to do the same
Plain Talk: 1.Evangelism = Have babies 2.Discipleship = Raise kids!
Keep It Simple, Church SIMPLE CHURCH, Returning to God’s Process for Making Disciples, by Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger, Nashville: B & H Publishing Group, 2006
Four characteristics of a simple church: 1.Clarity
Four characteristics of a simple church: 1.Clarity 2.Movement
Four characteristics of a simple church: 1.Clarity 2.Movement 3.Alignment
Four characteristics of a simple church: 1.Clarity 2.Movement 3.Alignment 4.Focus
Keep It Simple, Church “A simple church is a congregation designed around a straightforward and strategic process that moves people through the stages of spiritual growth.”
Keep It Simple, Church The Inductive Approach: “Trace your entire journey from baby believer to church leader.”
Keep It Simple, Church The Common Elements: 1.We belonged
Keep It Simple, Church The Common Elements: 1.We belonged 2.We believed
Keep It Simple, Church The Common Elements: 1.We belonged 2.We believed 3.We became
The Three Bs The Three Bs: 1.Belong 2.Believe 3.Become
Institutional vs. Organic Thinking Institutional Thinking 1.Believe 2.Belong 3.Become Organic Thinking 1.Belong 2.Believe 3.Become
Belong First “Belonging before believing” Build relationships Build relationships Form community Form community Eat together Eat together Play games together Play games together Tell stories together Tell stories together Sing together Sing together Laugh and love together Laugh and love together
Keep It Simple, Church belongBELIEVEbecome
BelongBelieveBECOME “That we may present every one mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28)”
Simple Harvest Vineyard: BELONG to His people BELIEVE in Jesus BECOME like Him