Baylor university By Cristian Mata
Location and majors list Location- Waco, TexasOur practitioner-scientist program is housed in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at Baylor University. The department is housed in the Baylor Science Building and is administratively housed with other departments of science in the College of Arts and Sciences. All core clinical psychology faculty are professors, practitioners, and supervisors who model professional excellence and who teach courses based on their own extensive clinical, professional and academic experience. Each clinical faculty member is also very active in applied clinical research and scholarship. The department faculty includes twelve additional members who provide instruction in areas essential in general psychology such as neuroscience and biological psychology, statistics, research methods, social psychology, and cognitive science. Practicing psychologists from the local area also serve as adjunct faculty, practicum supervisors, and research collaborators. The curriculum is intended to evidence the best of the science of clinical psychology.
College well known for Collage of arts and science Robbins collage of health and human science School of education School of engineering & Computer of science Hankamer school of business Honors collage School of music The Louise Herrington school of nursing School of social working
Major list of classes Art history Business Communication Education Modern Languages & Cultures Humanities & Religion Mathematics & Science
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