History and Culture of India 6th Social Studies Mrs. Coldiron 6th Social Studies Mrs. Coldiron
India h Largest country on the Indian Subcontinent h One of the world’s oldest civilizations. h Largest country on the Indian Subcontinent h One of the world’s oldest civilizations.
Ancient Civilizations h 1st civilization in the Indian Subcontinent was the Harappan civilization. h After the Harappan civilization ended, probably due to invaders or a natural disaster, a new group arose. h 1st civilization in the Indian Subcontinent was the Harappan civilization. h After the Harappan civilization ended, probably due to invaders or a natural disaster, a new group arose.
Aryans h Powerful warriors h Language - Sanskrit h Culture helped shape the language, religion, and social system of India. h Hindi, the official language of India is related to Sanskrit. h Powerful warriors h Language - Sanskrit h Culture helped shape the language, religion, and social system of India. h Hindi, the official language of India is related to Sanskrit.
Early Empires h The Mauryan Empire dominated the region by about 320 B.C. h Emperor Asoka helped expand territory and also Buddhism. h After his death, the empire split into many small kingdoms. h The Mauryan Empire dominated the region by about 320 B.C. h Emperor Asoka helped expand territory and also Buddhism. h After his death, the empire split into many small kingdoms.
Gupta Empire h Strong empire that united much of northern India. h Trade and culture thrived h Scholars made important advances in math, medicine, and astronomy. h Declined because of invaders. h India was once again divided. h Strong empire that united much of northern India. h Trade and culture thrived h Scholars made important advances in math, medicine, and astronomy. h Declined because of invaders. h India was once again divided.
The Mughal Empire h In 1526, Babur, a Turkish Muslim, conquered much of India establishing the Mughal Empire. h Babur left his kingdom to his grandson Akbar h Under Akbar, India trade flourished. India grew rich. h Archictecture thrived. For ex. The Taj Mahal was built during empire. h In 1526, Babur, a Turkish Muslim, conquered much of India establishing the Mughal Empire. h Babur left his kingdom to his grandson Akbar h Under Akbar, India trade flourished. India grew rich. h Archictecture thrived. For ex. The Taj Mahal was built during empire.
The British Empire h In the 1600’s, European countries wanted Indian goods such as cotton. h The East India Company was a British trading company that eventually grew with power controlling most of the Indian Subcontinent. h India became a British colony. h In 1857, Indian troops revolted. h The British crushed the rebellion. The British government ruled India. h In the 1600’s, European countries wanted Indian goods such as cotton. h The East India Company was a British trading company that eventually grew with power controlling most of the Indian Subcontinent. h India became a British colony. h In 1857, Indian troops revolted. h The British crushed the rebellion. The British government ruled India.