Warmest greetings from Vietnam
Socialist Republic of Vietnam Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of ThaiLand, Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea, alongside Chine, Laos and Cambodia Area: 331,211.6 square kilometers Population: 86,116,559 (Estimated in July 2008) Government type: Communist State
Socialist Republic of Vietnam Religions: Buddhist 9.3%; Catholic 6.7%; Hoa hao 1.5%; Protestant 0.5%; Muslim 0.1%; none 80.8% (1999 census) Language: Vietnamese (official); Khmer; mountain area languages (Tay, Muong, Nung, etc) Second language: English; some French; Chinese; Japanese; German; Korean.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in Vietnam Prepared by Duong Phuong Hanh Permanent Vice President Deaf Club of Hochiminh City
Contents Deaf & Hard of Hearing Community 1 Deaf & Hard of Hearing Education 2 Professional resource for hearing impairment field 3 Hearing Healthcare 4
Contents Hearing aids 5 Vocational Training & Employment 6 Deaf Club of Hochiminh City 7 Dreams in future 8
1. Deaf & Hard of Hearing Organization There are around 5.1 million people with disabilities (PWDs) in Vietnam, 13% of PWDs are people with hearing impairments (estimated number from Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs-2007) Deaf organization almost has each city/ province in Vietnam but Hard of Hearing. Ex: Hochiminh Deaf Club, Ha Noi Deaf Club … A deaf organization includes deaf, hard of hearing and deafened people. They are small self-help groups less than one hundred persons excepting Hai Noi Deaf Club with 230 people with hearing impairments and Hochiminh Deaf Club with 120. There is no National Organization of People with hearing impairments.
1. Deaf & Hard of Hearing Organization Organizations of people with hearing impairments Objectives: Promote independent living to the members so that they can get equality of opportunities, especially in vocational training and employment. Organize meetings for exchange and sharing. Activities: To gather persons with hearing impairments living in local for the improvement social awareness as well as learning Vietnamese sign language. Cooperate with other groups of people with and without disabilities to exchange information and promote social concerns and understanding about hearing impairment community and their culture.
2. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Special schools -Deaf and Hard of hearing -Teachers combine speech language with sign language Conditions of study Inclusive education -Hard of hearing students study with hearing -With a big size class, they are almost ignored
A small picture 15 schools including kindergarten Senior education Junior education Primary education Kindergarten Three primary schools have junior education program but maximum grade 8 Project “Opening University Education for Deaf in VN” has secondary school and the only Schools for Deaf in Hochiminh City (Hochiminh City is the second biggest one in Vietnam)
3. Professional resource There are teachers who teach primary schools and Kindergarten for children with hearing impairments. No teachers are trained to teach at secondary schools for students with hearing impairments. Some lecturers in early prevention who are teaching in Pedagogic University /College and a Center for Research. One research student who is hearing is studying at Doctor’s Degree in Audiology in USA. No expert is for Deaf Education.
4. Hearing Healthcare There are no hearing healthcare programs from the Government. Parents take are of all for their children. Sometimes, children lost their hearing for some years before their sick were discovered.
5. Hearing aids Its cost’s from 1,000,000 VND to 40,000,000 VND equivalent to 62.5 USD – 2,500 USD while a person’s monthly average income is 1,058,000 VND in Urban and 1,506,000 in country (Estimated in 2006, General Directorate of Statistic - Investment and Planning Ministry). Students with hearing impairments who are poor are presented hearing aids by individuals, NGOs, foreign organizations/companies. There are no technical devices supporting hearing.
6. Vocational Training and Employment Almost all people with hearing impairments have low education and limited communication so it’s very difficult for them to approach vocational training and employment. People with hearing impairments work mainly as workers in garment companies, as homemakers, drawing workers, motorcycle repairers, etc... There are no tricks as such, but there are some kind-hearted employers who hire people with hearing impairments for specific jobs in their companies.
7. Hochiminh City Deaf Club Founded in 2001 and is of a self-help group Has about 120 people with hearing impairments including deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened. On Sundays, members can join the 8-9:30AM class to learn Vietnamese. After the class, the club has meetings to exchange information and share their joys or difficulties in life. In the third week of month, The Board organizes skill training sessions, or joined activities with people without disabilities.
8. Dreams in future Social activities Good education More chances of employment Participate in and Have More confidence Right thoughts about their values More life skills People with hearing impairments
8. Dreams in future Target World Asian National Self help