GCSE Media Studies
Task 1 Key concepts- Genre and Media language Define what a quiz show is? Where it started and how it is broadcasted now? Discuss in depth the conventions of a Quiz show How Quiz shows appeal- Discuss Uses and gratification theory Audience Participation– Home audience and studio audience For each point ensure you mention an example from a real quiz shows one recent at least 1 should not be shown on TV any more.
Task 2 General knowledge- specific knowledge- example to back up knowledge- conclusion Discuss your understanding of the importance of the folowing:- The title of a quiz show – then explain your own title and the reasons for your choice Presenter - then explain your own and the reasons for your choice set design - - then explain your own and the reasons for your choice Question format - - then explain your own and the reasons for your choice Prizes - then explain your own and the reasons for your choice scheduling - then explain your own and the reasons for your choice
Task 2 Don’t forget to discuss how: How will the television audience interact with your Quiz show.
Task 3 Explain how you will promote your quiz show across different mediums. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each medium Explain how you will utilise these mediums for the promotion of your own quiz show. Remember to discuss the elements of your quiz show that will appeal to your target audience. Remember to define your target audience and explain how you will meet their needs. E.g. Format of quiz show, prizes, questions, host, contestant, etc
Task 3 How will you market and promote your new quiz show so that the audience are aware of it and know when to watch it e.g. - Television adverts – e.g. Trailer - Radio – jingles, - Print media- e.g. Newspapers, Name of quiz show, USP-prize, host etc, when its on?, channel it on?, time?, - Web- e.g. Internet- competitions
Task 3 Different types of promotion TV – trailers - what type of format would it be – what would you need to include? When will you show it? Radio – how long would it be and what would it include and why. What would the trailer need to focus on and why? Newspapers – reviews and adverts – what would you include on a poster? Internet – website ads or dedicated websites. Any other ways that a quiz show can be promoted
HOW TO PROMOTE A QUIZ SHOW TV – trailers - what type of format would it be – what would you need to include? Name of show - why Time its showing - why Why people should watch - why The prize – why Channel - why Radio advert– how long would it be and what would it include and why. What would the trailer need to to focus on and why? Sound – and atmosphere Name of show - why Time its showing – why channel Why people should watch - why The prize - why Newspapers - adverts – what would you include on a poster? Name of show Time of show Channel Main appeal of show – IS HOST, PRIZE, FORMAT. Internet – website ads or dedicated websites. PLAY IT YOURSELF WEBSITE ONLINE COMPETITIONS
Example of a trailer
Task 4 Create a story board Then explain your story board in your essays – remember to include info on your storyboard about the time, channel and date of your quiz show. In your write up – remember to say – what time and channel your trailer will appear. Show your understanding of scheduling! Channel? Time slot ? Target audience? Refer back to you storyboard sheet and explain the order of shots - Timing of each shot - Camera shots and angles you have used and why? E.g. What impact does it create (Close up to show emotions) - What will happen in each shot