In the U.S.A. over 40 percent of population use dietary supplements. It should be used to correct a deficiency of a specific nutrients.
The dietary supplement industry is a multi- billion dollar business. Unfortunately some supplement companies advertise their supplements as “miracle product” in a short period of time. Most advertisements are based on theory alone, testimonials or anecdotal information (Melvin H. Williams 2007).
In his review of dietary supplements, Thomas(1996) noted that although they may be beneficial to some individuals their use may be harmful in some ways
He mentioned that dietary supplements may provide a false sense of security to some individuals who may use them as substitutes for a healthful diet, believing they are eating healthfully and not attempting to eat right.
Dietary supplements vary tremendously in quality. Numerous independent analyses of specific dietary supplements, such as those by, reveal that some may contain less than that listed, sometimes even none of the main ingredient
Some products often contain substances not listed on the label. This may pose a health risk.
The scientific process is essential for discovering truths and validating health claims and information on the label of supplements
Some of the research regarding commonly used calcium supplementation for prevention or treatment of osteoporosis are good example of” real value “of supplements.
It had been shown that increasing calcium intake by consuming cheese is more beneficial for bone mass accrual than the consumption of tablets containing a similar amount of calcium.
Calcium is best known for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones. In a process known as bone mineralization, calcium and phosphorus join to form calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is a major component of the mineral complex (called hydroxyapatite) that gives structure and strength to bones. One ounce of low-fat mozzarella cheese provides 18.3% of the daily value for calcium along with 13.1% of the DV for phosphorus
For young girls going through the rapid growth spurts of puberty, getting calcium from dairy products, such as cheese, may be better for building bone than taking a calcium supplement, suggests a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
At the conclusion of that study (Cheng S. et al,2005), girls getting their calcium from cheese had higher whole-body bone mineral density and cortical thickness of the tibia than girls given supplemental calcium + vitamin D, supplemental calcium alone, or placebo.
Some of the noteworthy key points of “Recommendations of The National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) Task Force on Supplement Abuse (1987)” are proclaiming :
1. To Consumers: “Be aware that supplements cannot change a poor diet into a good one. Few people need to supplement their diets with pills, but if you do choose to supplement, to assure safety do not exceed the Recommended Dietary Allowances for vitamins and minerals. To assure good nutrition apply the three principles of variety, balance and moderation”. use the USDA Food Groups model and USDA/HHS Dietary Guidelines.
2. To Health Practitioners: Include questions about supplementation practices when taking health histories and be alert to signs of adverse effects. Report adverse effects of supplementation to the FDA. Encourage patients to apply the USDA Four Food Groups model and USDA/HHS U.S. Dietary Guidelines rather than supplementation as the way to improve nutrition practices. Combat "trophophobia" (i.e., the fear of nutritious foods).
3. Rationale for Warning Labels Warning labels should be required on potentially hazardous food supplements