EDICT: COE, Train The Trainers PWD trainers Shanti Raghavan Founder & Managing Trustee, EnAble India Ashoka Fellow
Enable India works with more than 200 companies around India. Placements in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kokata, Chennai, Hyderabad and more. Medical transcriptionists (Visually Impaired) from Lake Systems, NU Hospital, Digimetrix
Thomson Reuters BPO Executives, (hearing impaired) Jobs in growing sectors: IT, ITES, Telecom, FMCG, F&B, Hospitality, Garments, Automotive, Healthcare etc
Hearing Impaired Candidates 22+ years of not listening to English Limited vocabulary and limited grammar Less language – less processing and less analytical skills Less exposure to reality Less confidence Less understanding of hearing world Less social interaction CHALLENGE: Get Employable candidates in limited time Less language – less retention No sub conscious learning from sources: parents, friends society, TV, radio
Past learnings and effective methods are captured in a manual.. Multiple trainers required. Tiring. Multiple interactions With ICT enabled tool - Can now manage with one trainer – communication of the idea is easier! - Adhering to the manual is easy - Retention of concept is easier ICT enabled tool for hearing impaired
- Trainer can facilitate discussions! - Frees the trainer up - can innovate as required - Multiple formats are possible (one person has got a job: requires urgent training!!) - Building capacity using the student material - Hearing impaired volunteer trainers are now being trained - Capacity building can be scaled as well! ICT is needed even more in PWD sector! ICT enabled tool for hearing impaired
.. Using Role models: Vijay (Hearing Impaired) From Accenture
Computer Training Program for blind - Computer is the eyes: Not about MS Office. Live in a sighted world – be competitive - To compete: - Setting expectations (targets, exercises) - Challenging the candidate - Exploring capability (provide learning on own opportunities) - Belief in themselves (we respect their diversity) - An interest in self reliance (exercises can be done at their own pace, training environment) - Process discipline Train the Trainer:
Technical Skills Practical Exercises – For Retention and Application For Error Proofing and Exception Handling. & Visually Impaired Methods for Efficiency and Quality
Use of Tactile Diagrams for Visualization, Understanding & Retention Technical Skills
- How much will they remember later? Will they follow the methodologies? Will they practice? - Walk the talk on values (respect their diversity, non judgemental) - Experiential feel (Monitors off, use same tactiles used) - Practice! Practice! - Shift in mindset - KIT: MP3 recordings, tactiles Need to make it a life long learning quest Train the Trainer
Rehabilitation Job Specific Skills Workplace Solution Training Industry Orientation Employability Skills - Profile specific General Employability Fundamentals Technical Skills Disability Specific Basic Skills Life Skills Communication Skills
Spelling kit Note taking simulations Audio plays for mobility attitude, work ethics.. Computer exercises automation (in progress) Job simulations Recorded sessions Tools used for companies – used to build awareness ICT enabled tools for VI
- Standardized curriculum/content/tools/aids - Trained resources with right values - Using appropriate teaching methodologies - Open to learning and allows feed back into the training (constant churn/updation) - Allows trainers to innovate based on candidate - Addresses resource constraints / less admin ICT enabled tools – ERP, Teaching learning material help! COE
For PWD to gain economic independence - Capacity building is key - PWD trainers is the way forward: they serve as role models, have faced the challenges and are living examples of employability - ICT material when created: should be usable in multiple ways: online via internet, offline on PC, book, cassette, TV, Radio and so on.. - Keep it simple! Recommendations/ Thoughts
You can serve your stakeholders ONLY with PROPER DATA and WORKFLOW! - Companies want candidates yesterday! Even if PWD is a yes, they will be flooded with non PWD resumes. It’s a race against time! How? (profile*, powerful search by many parameters: groups) - Comprehensive view of data: trained, work experience, evaluator comments, functional aspects of disability, patterns of behaviour, emp projects attempted? DISABILITY BECOMES THE BRAND – Good products given in a timely manner with good follow up and interventions! ERP tool
The ERP helps us sustain and scale our operations with the required quality, productivity and cost efficiency. Workflow has key elements which require experts Using non expert resources - Preliminary Candidate matching - Interview Follow up, sending resumes, offer follow up - Retention follow up - Company services (training and workshop coordination) - Candidate tasks (missing RESUMES!, PG, financial aid, proof) ERP tool
BEST PRACTICE: Profiling of candidates: Focused training, better quality of source and efficiency in response to companies. ERP!