New Guinea Impatiens Flowering Express seed / Oro Farms with emphasis on 4” Production
Why do different lots of New Guinea Impatiens often flower differently?
Pot size does not affect time to flower. It is not pot size
Oro Farms Stock Management. We assure a stage 0 cutting with the Oro Farms technique. To avoid this problem A stage 0 cutting is essential for uniform flowering.
New Guinea Impatiens Flowering 23C 73F It takes about 11 weeks for first flower at 73F for a Stage 0 NGI
New Guinea Impatiens Flowering 23C 73F 20C 68F Decreasing temperature delays flowering
New Guinea Impatiens Flowering 23C 73F 20C 68F Stage 0.3 A reproductive cutting flowers earlier than a Stage 0 cutting
New Guinea Impatiens Flowering 23C 73F 20C 68F Stage 0.3 Stage 0.5 A reproductive cutting flowers earlier than a Stage 0 cutting
New Guinea Impatiens Flowering 23C 73F 20C 68F Stage 0.3 Variable cuttings yield variable flowering dates Stage 0.5
Without our Technique flowering will be un-uniform and it will be like picking tomatoes.
Optimized production of NGI in 4” pots Concepts: – Uniform flowering – Predictable flowering on date desired – Limited time (5 weeks) for plant in finish container
Recommended production schedule Recommended Liner size and age for 4 inch to 5 inch production is a 7 week old 50 cell liner with a low soil volume. Recommended Liner size and age of liner for Hanging Basket is a 4 week old 128 cell liner. The sooner you plant to finish container the larger the finished product will be.
Optimized production of NGI in 4” pots Small cuttings with small leaves helps control plants size in the Liner.
Large leaves create problems in propagation
New Guinea Impatiens with rot in Liner tray
Optimized production of NGI in 4” pots Small cuttings with small leaves help control plants size in the plug Flower buds in cuttings create production problems
New Guinea Impatiens plugs with flower buds
New Guinea Impatiens cuttings with flower buds at stick resulting in plants flowering before adequate vegetative size
New Guinea Impatiens cutting that was reproductive on arrival makes for a poorly branched plant
Small vegetative cuttings with small leaves eliminate these problems
New Guineas Liners looking super
Uniform vegetative cuttings, proper Liner production (nutrition and PGR) allows uniform and predictable flowering.
New Guineas starting to flower
Keys to 4” NGI production Appropriate genetics – moderate leaf size is best Stage 0 cutting Uniform small cutting Appropriate Liner soil volume Appropriate nutrition and PGR application Temperature control
Once a cutting initiates a flower, temperature is the primary factor driving time to flower, but relative humidity is also important because it affects plant temperature.
Other considerations Relative humidity at night is important. Low humidity will cause the plant to cool its self and will not realize the correct temperature. 80% humidity at night is best. Liner soil volume is important for plant size control
Both trays grown similar the one on the right has a higher soil volume
New Guinea Impatiens liner comparison of 50-cell liners with small and large soil volume
Oro Farms Production Greenhouse
Good luck!