Alabama Whitney Copeland
Geography Where is Alabama located on this map? East or West?
Important Facts about Alabama Capital City: Montgomery Location: N, W Admission to Statehood: December 14, 1819 Constitution: 22nd State Highest Point: Cheaha Mountain; 2,407 feet, 35th
Area Codes Alabama Area Codes: What is your area code?
State Flag “The crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white”
Red Hills Salamander The Red Hills Salamander is the official state amphibian of Alabama. This salamander is rarely seen and is thought to exist only in these south Alabama counties: Butler, Conecuh, Crenshaw, Covington and Monroe. The Red Hills salamander has a dark brown tail and body, and grows to approximately ten inches in length. The salamander's diet consists of insects and spiders. Since 1976 the Red Hills Salamander has been under federal protection because it is near extinction. Under the Endangered Species Act, habitat for the Red Hills Salamander cannot be damaged or changed without a special permit.
Yellowhammer Since the Civil War many people have called Alabama the "Yellowhammer State". Some stories say Alabama troops in Huntsville wore uniforms with yellow trim, which reminded people of the Flicker bird. When the Confederate Veterans in Alabama were organized they took pride in being referred to as the "Yellowhammers," and wore a yellowhammer feather in their caps or lapels during reunions. The Northern Flicker is the State Bird of Alabama. The Common Flicker is a woodpecker. It is found throughout Alabama and is present all year. Names used locally: Yellowhammer, Flicker, Yellow- shafted Flicker, and Southern Flicker. Flickers are reported to eat more ants than any other American bird. They also eat grasshoppers, crickets, berries, nuts and seeds. They especially like the berries of poison ivy. The female lays 6 to 10 white colored eggs in its nest. They usually nest in holes in dead trees or fence posts.
Alabama State Creed I believe in Alabama, a state dedicated to a faith in God and the enlightenment of mankind; to a democracy that safeguards the liberties of each citizen and to the conservation of her youth, her ideals, and her soil. I believe it is my duty to obey her laws, to respect her flag and to be alert to her needs and generous in my efforts to foster her advancement within the statehood of the world.
Alabama Coat of Arms "We Dare Defend Our Rights." The Alabama state coat of arms consists of a shield with the emblems of the five governments that have held power over Alabama. The flags of Spain, France, Great Britain, and the Confederacy surround a small flag and shield of the United States. The large shield is supported on either side by bald eagles, symbols of courage. At the top is a model of a ship, like the ships used by the French colonists who settled near present- day Mobile. The motto, written on a yellow ribbon at the bottom, reads, "Audemus jura nostra defendere."
Alabama State Flowers State Flower-Camellia State Wildflower- Oak-leaf Hydrangea
Alabama Nicknames The Heart of Dixie The Stars Fell on Alabama Cotton State Yellowhammer State Do you know another state’s nickname?
Economy Agriculture: Poultry and eggs, cattle, nursery stock, peanuts, cotton, vegetables, milk, soybeans.
Economy Industry: Paper, lumber and wood products, mining, rubber and plastic products, transportation equipment, apparel. Hw Hw
Economy Name one item that you know is a part of Tennessee agriculture economy. Name one item that you know is a part of Tennessee industrial economy. Are they the same as Alabama? Why or why not?
One major part of Alabama’s economy is transportation. Looking at this picture, why do you think that is so?
Famous People Originating From Alabama Coretta Scott King Rosa Parks Hank Williams Helen Keller
Why are they important? After viewing the previous slide, name one fact that you know about the individual pictured. K0M K0M
Alabama Fun tools/online-vacation-guide/guide.html tools/online-vacation-guide/guide.html hotels-travel-attractions?catid=4 hotels-travel-attractions?catid=4 q0 q0 oU oU
Crimson Tide Alabama’s pride is the crimson tied. Alabama football began in Alabama is a member of the SEC (South Eastern Conference). They have had many prominent coaches, and been to the National Championship numerous times. Roll Tide!
Standards Describe the potential costs and benefits of personal economic choices in a market economy Give examples of the interaction of groups, businesses, and governments in a market economy Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective Understand how to identify and locate major physical and political features on globes and maps.
Works Cited ml ml ow_hammer_1.jpg ow_hammer_1.jpg pg pg hydrangea jpg hydrangea jpg ntgomery_Alabama_panorama.jpg ntgomery_Alabama_panorama.jpg zone/usa/alabama/images/map-alabama.jpg zone/usa/alabama/images/map-alabama.jpg