The Art and Architecture of Islam
Islam 101 Monotheistic religion-“Surrender” Worshipper of Islam =Muslim Believe in the teachings of Muhammad, God’s final prophet Qur’an (Koran) was revealed to Mohammed
Koran and Sunna are the foundation of the Muslim faith Muhammad is the restorer of the original religion by the prophets Abraham, Moses Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad/pray 5x daily in the direction of this city 2 nd largest religion in the world
One God Truly monotheistic do not believe in a Trinity like Christianity God is described in a chapter of the Qur'an as "…God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute” Worship of other gods is forbidden
Images No representation of humans or animals allowed in sacred buildings Could be perceived as worship of another god Development of beautiful, intricate lettering and designs Calligraphy Arabesque Tessellations
Writing in Arabic script Writing of the Koran Highest level of Islamic art Calligraphy
The arabesque is an elaborative application of repeating geometric forms that often echo the forms of plants and animals. Arabesques are an element of Islamic art usually found decorating the walls of mosques.
Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount in Jerusalem, 691 CE
Octagonal wooden building Reliquary shrine-holds a sacred object. This is not a mosque Holds the rock Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to heaven on. Prophet’s Night Journey. Same rock Jews believe Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac on
Golden dome Intricate calligraphy and arabesque designs Done in ceramic tile
The rock on the interior- only Muslims allowed inside the shrine
Five pillars of islamic faith Shahādah - Profession of faith Salah – Prayer 5 times a day Zakâh - Giving to the poor Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Mihrab Niche in the wall in a mosque Indicates the qibla, or direction of Mecca, which is the direction of prayer Qibla wall-wall where mihrab is- faces Mecca
Mihrab (prayer niche) Ornately decorated Vary in size Meant to look like a doorway- entering Mecca
Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) Once one of the biggest mosques in the World, it’s now a Catholic Cathedral since the Spanish Inquisition.
Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) – Interior Influence of Rome: double arches Columns re-used from old temples Hypostyle hall-no central focus Striped voussoirs
Complex dome over the mihrab supported by elaborate squinches
The Taj Mahal, Agra, India, INDIAN ISLAMIC ART
Name means “Crown Palace’ Named after a Shah’s wife (Mumtaz Mahal) who died giving birth to his 14 th child Built as a tomb for both her and her husband-interred there Typical Islamic feature of 1 large arch surrounded by two smaller arches on either side