AERODROME OPERATIONS 1. Aerodrome Licensing The IAA may licence any aerodrome This will specify what activities can go on there e.g. Coonagh, training and private flying but no commercial flying of any description (including taking on or dropping off paying passengers) All aircraft must abide by the terms and conditions of use of the aerodrome Planes may only take off from or land at An aerodrome licensed under SI 334/2000 or SI 216/2005 A State aerodrome available for civil use An aerodrome approved by the IAA A military aerodrome when authorised by the C/O Private transport flight by balloon or helicopter – anywhere with landowners permission providing there is no hazard to persons or property Gliders operating with IAA approval, – anywhere with landowners permission providing there is no hazard to persons or property Emergency landings to ensure an aircrafts safety are exempt from the above
When operating at or above an aerodrome all VFR aircraft MUST: Maintain visual separation from other traffic Fly the standard joining/approach patterns for that aerodrome Fly left-hand circuits unless there are local considerations*- pilot has best view of airfield and traffic on/around it *e.g. Coonagh – right hand circuit for runway 10 to avoid housing N of the field If transiting the area, stay well clear of circuit traffic and defined airfield entry/exit routes (normally fly at least 1500 ft above the runway) Land as close into wind as runways will allow Note: Helicopters (don’t need runway) should stay well clear of aeroplane circuit AERODROME OPERATIONS 2. General Rules - 1
AERODROME OPERATIONS 2. General Rules - 2 At active tower-controlled airports Tune radio to Tower frequency and maintain listening watch (Shannon 118.7) If no two-way radio contact, look out for light signals and check information in the signals square Request and obtain ATC clearance for start-up, taxi, takeoff and landing NEVER enter Aerodrome Control Zone (CTR) without ATC clearance (unless in emergency – MAYDAY call (see later)
AERODROME OPERATIONS 3. Right of Way Rules These rules apply to aircraft and vehicles on aprons, taxiways and runways (Movement Area of airports/airfields). It is the pilots responsibility to avoid collisions with other aircraft or vehicles. Aircraft taking off or landing have right of way over any other aircraft or vehicles Vehicles towing aircraft have right of way over other vehicles and taxiing aircraft Taxiing aircraft have right of way over vehicles NOT towing aircraft Where two aircraft are taxiing If head on, both alter course to the right If converging, the aircraft on the left shall give way If overtaking, the overtaking aircraft shall pass to the left and stay well clear of the slower aircraft, and shall not cut in until well clear Where two vehicles are approaching head on, both will keep to the left When overtaking, the faster vehicle will keep the slower one on its LEFT
AERODROME OPERATIONS 4. Light Signals at Tower Controlled Airports - 1 If an RT failure occurs when an aircraft is in a CTR, on the ground or in the air, the pilot may get instructions by light signals from the Tower (see next slide) To acknowledge a signal in flight BY DAY Rock wings of aircraft To acknowledge a signal on the ground BY DAY Move ailerons or rudder To acknowledge a signal in flight or on the ground AT NIGHT Flash the landing light or nav lights on and off TWICE
AERODROME OPERATIONS 4. Light Signals at Tower C ontrolled Airports - 2 Light Signal to aircraft Aircraft in flight Aircraft on the ground Steady Green Cleared to land Cleared to take off Green Flashes Return for landing Cleared to taxi (clearance to land will follow) Steady Red Give way to other aircraft Stop and continue circling Red Flashes Airport unsafe, do not land Taxi clear of landing area White flashes Land and proceed to apron Return to starting point on (clearance to land will follow) the airport Red Pyrotechnic Do not land at this time (Over-rules any previous clearance)
AERODROME OPERATIONS 5. Ground Signals -1 Landing Prohibited Manoeuvring area in bad state of repair/wet Landing Area Boundary marker Movement restricted to runways and taxiways only Take-off and land using runways only. Other ground movements unrestricted Runways or taxiways between two white crosses are CLOSED and unfit for ANY aircraft movements
AERODROME OPERATIONS 5. Ground Signals - 2 Right-hand circuits in use Helicopter pad or Land parallel to the shaft Reporting Point and towards the crossarm (Admin. Building (may be replaced by runway or Terminal) no.) Gliding in progress G
AERODROME OPERATIONS 6. Marshalling Signals – 1 (Facing the pilot. Often bats are used and lightsticks at night) STOP. Arms crossed repeatedly over the head, the faster the action, the more urgent the response required THIS STAND. Both arms straight up, palms facing in. LEFT TURN. Right arm held down, LEFT arm repeatedly moved up and back, the faster the action the tighter the turn STOP ENGINE(S) One forearm held in front of throat, palm down, and moved with a sawing action across it.
AERODROME OPERATIONS 6. Marshalling Signals – 2 (Facing the pilot) RIGHT TURN. Left arm held down. RIGHT arm repeatedly moved up and back, the faster the action the tighter the turn SLOW DOWN. Arms held at an angle to the body and moved up and down with the palms facing down ALL CLEAR. Lower part of right arm vertical, thumb pointing up
AERODROME OPERATIONS 7. Aerodrome Lights The larger aerodromes will probably have one or more of the following light systems: Aerodrome Beacon. A strobe (flashing light) white or green or both. Switched on at night if aerodrome is open and by day if the weather is below minimum VFR conditions. Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights. Four lights in a line perpendicular to the runway, usually positioned about 300m from the threshold, designed to inform the pilot whether he is on the correct glideslope (usually 3 ⁰). On glideslope A little below glideslope A little above glideslope Well below glideslope Well above glideslope Visual Approach Slope Indicators (VASI) lights. Two pairs of lights, one pair about 30m behind the other (virtually superseded by PAPI system) On glideslope Below glideslope Above glideslope
AERODROME OPERATIONS 8. Runway components (ideal runway) Runway markings Runway markings Runway. Take-off run or landing distance available - TORA /LDA) Clearway. Clear space at the end of the runway for initial stage of an aircrafts climb-out Emergency Distance is the TORA /LDA plus the Stopway Take-off distance available (TODA) is usually the length of the Runway plus Stopway plus Clearway Stopway. Extension of runway for aircraft to stop after aborted take-off. Threshold. Length of runway before the runway markings as viewed from an aircraft about to land