SOCIAL MEDIA FACTS As of tomorrow Facebook will be 10 years old and has an estimated 1.3 BILLION users Facebook StatisticsData Total number of monthly active Facebook users 1,310,000,000 Total number of mobile Facebook users 680,000,000 Increase in Facebook users from 2012 to % Total number of minutes spent on Facebook each month 640,000,000 Percent of all Facebook users who log on in any given day48 % Average time spent on Facebook per visit 18 minutes Total number of Facebook pages 54,200,000 Facebook DemographicsData Percent of year olds who check Facebook when they wake up 48 % Percent of year olds who check Facebook before they get out of bed 28 %
Twitter Company StatisticsData Total number of active registered Twitter users 645,750,000 Number of new Twitter users signing up everyday 135,000 Number of unique Twitter site visitors every month 190 million Average number of tweets per day 58 million Number of Twitter search engine queries every day 2.1 billion Percent of Twitter users who use their phone to tweet 43 % Percent of tweets that come from third party applicants 60% Number of active Twitter users every month 115 million Percent of Twitters who don’t tweet but watch other people tweet 40% Number of days it takes for 1 billion tweets 5 days Number of tweets that happen every second 9,100
Youtube Statistics Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute 65 hours Number of videos viewed on YouTube everyday 4,250,000,000 Number of unique visits to YouTube every month 900,000,000 Total number of hours of video watched on YouTube each month3.25 billion hours
What do all those number mean to you If you are not using social media you are missing out on potential customers for your venues In return if your venues are not social media active they are also missing out It can be done quickly and easily With all the different software options out there you can easily post to all your social media groups, pages and ids at once. For example Hootsuite – you can set up your whole week of tweets, facebook page posts, wordpress page posts. even youtube videos can be uploaded from this program. There is a free program or a pro. This is what we use to do mass posting; we can even do it all from our phones or tablets. Other sites like Hootsuite- buffer, SocialOomph etc you can google search and find tons of different ones.
Why should I have a facebook page and not just add regulars as my friends Lets be honest sometimes of facebook we share more then what we would want business friends to know about. Like family issues how you are feeling or if you are pissed off about this or that. Having a facebook fan page means that people can like your business and then you can do mass posts telling them about all of your shows everyday. Share photos, videos, random music facts, great things that happened for the business, new songs you have available to them. Run contests or give aways. If you have contractors like Starz Karaoke does most of our KJ/DJ have either a separate karaoke account or create a fanpage for them selves and associate it with our main Starz Karaoke fan page. This way regulars are not knowing all of their personal information everyday.
Twitter and Youtube Twitter is a totally different then facebook.. If you can get everything you want to say into 140 words or less twitter is easy. Normally for us our Youtube videos and short little feeds like check out our shows tonight with a link to our website showing our shows. Remember Business IDs Business posts. Register and use your #’s(hashtag) example #starzkaraoke is ours but even #karaoke in your twitts will get people to see them you can now go to google and just type in the # and getting all the Public posts containing that #.. Youtube can and will be your best friend for marketing and sharing videos or photos of your shows.. We take pictures at our shows and make promotional videos to share on youtube then on facebook and twitter for our regulars to remember all of the great times they have had at karaoke. Also videos from youtube rise quicker in the google search results then almost anything else. If you didn’t know google owns youtube. REMEMBER TAGS AND KEYWORDS in your titles.. Ok so some of this is way to much for people to understand or even want to tackle on there own. But there are business out there that will help you do this for your business and get you great rankings on your videos. Eric Godfrey (old owner of Starz Karaoke ) and one of my dearest friends would be one of them. Just from doing it for starz for so long he has now gone on to do it for other businesses. You can find him at
MOBILE IS SOOO IMPORTANT Most likely at least more then half the people sitting at your karaoke show every night is playing with there phone on facebook, twitter or playing games. 97% of adults have a cell phone. (Up 4% from 2012) Of these, 56% of those phones are considered "smart phones" The cellular phone is the most quickly adopted technology in history. Cell phones are seen as key to actively participating in your community. 29% of users describe their phone as something they can't live without. 34% of all users are "mobile only", meaning they use only their mobile devices and have no other computer or telephone. (Up 9% from 2012) Ok so your thinking my regulars don’t use there phone or hey maybe its not there age demographics. Think again.
Text Clubs, Qr codes Have a text club. Now a day its just as easy to have someone text starzkj to a # and be able to get mobile updates on special events happening at different shows. I how a lot of venues use these as well to let there regulars know about food, karaoke other special events. QR Codes work great to have someone find your facebook page, website, calendar etc. IF its printed on your business card etc they can just scan it and away they go.
Your websites need to be mobile ready With all of the mobile users in the world you should really make sure you site is easy to you on a mobile phone. If you use wordpress pages this can easily be done via a plug in. If not contact your webmaster to have them convert your site to have mobile abilities as well. Have a mobile song book available for people to search and use at your shows.